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Have i been ripped off !!!!!

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by Fozzboy, Jan 21, 2011.

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  1. Gass

    Gass DI Forum Adept

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    Ron, drunk posting again ? good that that kind of guys are leaving :smile:
  2. harald2010

    harald2010 DI Junior Member

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    In absence of any argument you just prefer to be offensive ?
  3. harald2010

    harald2010 DI Junior Member

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    I agree with you as far as it goes about attitude.
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    AND! back to the Thread !!

    :eek: Never Mind the Visa Extension costs, Try getting into the US or the UK without a Visa. There are not many Countries left now that allow Entry on a Passport, THEN, allow Extensions for up to, Well this I don't know, So surely we have to pay for this privilege. As with Restaurants, we all have a choice. Those wishing to leave of course may do so, With this cooler weather being here just now, please close the door on your way out. :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :wink: KDF, hit the nail right on the head there, it all boils down to what people want in this life. some people are just never going to be happy. If we are going to live outside our Country of Origin, things will be different, we can't change this, so "If you can't Beat them, JOIN them" and maybe we will all live happy ever after.

    :smile::smile::smile::wink: Happy to see that 2nd green Dot my friend. Congratulations:wink::wink:

    Jack P.
  6. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    With a European passport, 90 days in Hong Kong, 1 month in Thailand, Philippines is part of ASEAN, but each of this ASEAN country's have there own (very different) immigration laws.
    And about the airport(s) in Manila nobody understand if this is one airport - airportcode MNL or 4 airports.
    If it is 1 airport it should be possible to take another international flight in transit without passing immigration That is not possible if Philippine air,Cebu Pacific or Pal Express is your next carrier.
    If it are 4 airports, there should be 4 different airport codes, as in other international city's with more than 1 airport.
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,234 / 1,090
    One way Traffic!

    :smile: Firefly, This is what I mean, it is only Asian Countries that allow this. All the supposedly Right and Proper countries in the West do Not. Then we have, as we read, these few that will even knock this priveledge.
    To the Airport, I am in total agreeance and is very confusing to most. As long as they are private (Are they?) this will never change I fear.
    London, HEATHROW, has 5 terminals, You do not have to leave the airport to change terminals, terminal 5 is purley British Airways, Treminal 3 is where you will go if you fly Virgin to Hong Kong. All it within Heathrow. I see no reason that all terminals in Maninal cant be connected given that they all share the same Taxi-Way and Runway, mmmm or is too easy???:wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  8. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Airports in Manila are operated by the Manila International Airport authorty which is a government agency.
    However, some airports (at least NAIA 3) are (is) built by an international consortium that is (was?)entittled to the income for a number of years (20?) and than transfer the property to the Philippine government.
    It is a very complicated system that gives non stop lawcases.
    For NAIA 3 there was a lawcourt decision in Singapore that has been reversed recently in a lawcourt in Washington. And pending.
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Kdf, congrats on your 2nd star, what took you so long :-).
    I have to say that I can understand RonEtue's position. He is fortunate enough to be able to financially live comfortable in Socal. If I could afford and and if I could bring my asawa with me, we would leave in a new york minute. Still, I wouldn't call Dgte a s__th--e, for foreigners living on our pension, like many of us are, it makes a nice place to call home. I'm saying this as I have no water but I have been in many worse places. Try India and China, and why are so many Koreans living here. In the U.S. many wealthy from all over move to San Diego to retire, the rest like me move to the desert or places like Dgte. Still why criticize the place when you leaving??
  10. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Originally Posted by Knowdafish

    Even in the U.S. if you are not a member of the bank ATM you are using you are charged a fee anywhere from $1 to $3 for each transaction. Nothing new.

    maybe this is new for you : All over Europe you can take money from all atm,s in each country without any charge . As i said before : you pay a yearly small fee for your card . Thats it .

    That is Europe, not the U.S. or the Philippines. A "yearly small fee" is how much? No such yearly fee in the U.S.

    Visa fees
    $1 a day is cheap compared to a lot of other countries around the world! Try over staying you visa in the U.S.! You will be asked to leave, plain and simple!

    one dollar a day ??.. where can i get that one here in Dumaguete.. I will run to it . I think you have to do your homework again .

    That is what it averages out to for visa fees for an American. No homework needed.

    Terminal Fee
    Check what you are being charged the next time you fly in airport fees. 750p is dirt cheap compared to any major airport in the U.S.

    You forget that you paid already for " terminal" etc when you bought your ticket . This 750 is a bonus for the airport not existing at the other 30 international airports I was before.

    No Manila terminal fee listed on any ticket breakdown that I have ever purchased. It is not included and that is why you have to pay for it separately at the airport.

    Exchange rates
    Who's really at fault? The strong(er) Philippine peso or the weakening Euro? I feel your pain, as the 1st time I was in the Philippines the exchange rate dropped down to 40P to the U.S. dollar. A 10-20% yearly swing is inevitable, and on the positive side, opens up the door for ways to capitalize on those swings

    !my main point was that banks already get you at your @ss by charging 2% lower rates then the real ones , so at a withdrawel by you of , lets say, 10.000 p they have already 200 p.

    What bank is that? If I have my $ in a U.S. bank and use a U.S. debit card I don't expect that transaction to be free at a Philippine ATM machine.

    Can one find a more foreigner friendly place to live in this world? Possibly, but one needs to weigh all the variables and decide what is most important to
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