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Have i been ripped off !!!!!

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by Fozzboy, Jan 21, 2011.

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  1. harald2010

    harald2010 DI Junior Member

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    Its nice that you have the impression that I want to make a point ..a nice start and you are right : I think i did already but i will repeat it in other words: In the "old " days (2008 for instance here in the philippines) When you went to an ATM you took your money and the bank had its earnings from your card fee and the 2% rate difference. So if i want a bank that does not charge?? ...please read what i wrote before.
    Why i tell this here????????????? Because I want us as consumers of the " bank-product " to be CRITICAL and not accept everything banks find out to suck the consumer in this case the tourist/expat . If we just stupidly accept everything then in one year they say .. : well .. this went great lets make it 300 P. In fact they Did already this trick recently by elevating the "fee" from 150 to 200. They just measure if there are fewer transactions and if not : make it 300 guys .. all the old idiots from the Usa, Australia , Europe accept it like sheep that are guided to the slaughterhouse as we say in Europe. And you know : the Ph is a beautiful country and its my pleasure to spend every month here 15/20 times the average monthly Ph income, but i hate to be sucked by banks, but maybe you love that :p.
    Moreover : better spend your money by consuming at the market , shops etc etc or the poor family of your gf/wife that really helps, then make the very small layer of the rich here richer and richer.
    I know all this " fee" hassle will not ruin you and me but its very much irritating for the above mentionned reasons
    My ideal would be that we , on this forum , would make a strong movement/gesture to conquer the banks, as the governments in Europe did after in 2009/2010 the banks and nobody else, ruined the financial system almost completely by way of their never ending hunger for more.. more.. more .
    A more moderate goal of mine would be that more people on this forum would think it over.

    PS : your statement that their are banks here that do not charge the extra " fee " for foreign cards is simply not correct. That has been stated here before but for european bank cards its simply not true .:D
  2. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    A charter bus, or an airplane, full of DI-members, each with at least 4bank/credit cards, up to Cebu and get the money in HSBC or Citibank.
    20,000 pesos at a time and no extra charges.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :eek:Then Young man! If I thought it would be of any purpose, I would invite you to My ATM, You could see for yourself that my words are not only true but we could take a photo of the expression on your face, when you see that I have not been Charged. This could then be posted to show that your Attitude, is no more than attention seeking. However, I have no desire to Meet you so, I will instead Scan and post my latest ATM receipt so you can see for yourself. This will be tomorrow. You have had the floor. Some of us OLDIES have been around for some time and have come to terms with all the worlds banks, Every year we hear new comers complain about PI being a 3rd world country, now they decide to do like the rest of the world and charge a little, POW! it is not liked. Wake up, face reality, It is just not going to change. What ever you do or wherever you go next, I wish you well.

    Jack P.:smile:
  4. harald2010

    harald2010 DI Junior Member

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    My dear professor :rolleyes: you dare name me " attention-seeking" while you posted here more then 1100 .. ehh... kuch ..."contributions" :D in less then 12 months ... :D... i cant deny you really have a sense of humour !!
    Characters like you are not interested in reading at all or simply cant read because if you could, you should have read that I wrote about the maestro vignet at many european cards which do not fit at all banks ( but nevertheless many) so save your trouble of sending me the scanned receipt and needless to say that those banks not accept many of the European cards.
    The current responses to my comments make clear once again why many expats who left more or less permanently for Asia are known in their own country as lunar tics and/or outcasts, and these reactions also show that this is not completely besides the truth. Could in the past not accept in your own country a deviate opinion and of course it goes on here :D.
    Anyway , wish you for the current period lots of applaus from your beloved audience and with a little luck I am sure you will reach the 2000 postings this year :D
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
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    R U Still Here.

    :eek:Me thinks it is time you changed your nappy (Diaper).
    When some one is proved wrong, as you have been, it is always a cynical review that follows. My time and knowledge is totally wasted on you. You know nothing of me or any other members here that are a little more knowledgeable about the PI than you. as I said before, Bon-Voyage.

    Jack P.:smile::smile:
  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Harold, who the hell do you think you are? Your contribution to this forum was coming on looking for a hj massage in Dgte! You never introduced yourself and never added any value. You must be a troll or a perverted wanker.
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