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Helmet law enforcement

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by dodong, Oct 9, 2010.

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  1. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    It was about a liter of beer for the nice officer who was thristy. The fine for first offense is P1500.

    "Any person caught not wearing the standard protective motorcycle helmet will be punished with a fine of P1,500.00 for the first offense, P3,000.00 for the second offense, P5,000.00 for the third offense, and P10,000.00 plus confiscation of the driver’s license for the fourth and succeeding offenses."


    Republic Act No. 10054 ? Motorcycle Helmet Act Lex Fori Philippines

  2. OnMyWay

    OnMyWay DI Senior Member

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    funny story that's one of those "only in the philippines" stories....

    MY buddy is an avid cyclist..(as in bicycle) and he's serious about safety. He imports all his gear from abroad and cost is of no issue. He rides daily as part of his training regiment. HE got pulled over one day for not having an approved helmet on. The one he did have was a 25K peso Italian Roadbike Racing Helmet.

    He's a humorous guy and challenged the three officers there to all put their helmets on the road and stand on them and he'll do the same to his helmet.

    1 of the three officers didn't have a helmet, just his motorbike. The other two took him up on the funny challenge and as my buddies wife snapped a pic with her cell phone camera the two officers helmets crushed in half and my buddy stepped off his, picked it up off the road, put his back on his head and rode away on his road bike. The picture just can't even be described. I'll see if I can get him to send it to me so i can post it here. The helmets the officers had were the yellow thin plastic construction helmets
  3. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Yah, the way the new law is written only those helmets approved by the DTI and bearing the ICC sticker are acceptable. Currently there are only three brands qualified. Good quality imported helmets are not acceptable. Dumaguete has also been trying to pass an ordinance against full face helmets.

  4. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    * Any person who uses, sells and distributes substandard motorcycle helmets or those which do not bear the PS mark or the ICC certificate will be punished with a fine of not less than P3,000.00 for the first offense, and P5,000.00 for the second offense, without prejudice to other penalties under Republic Act No. 7394 or the “Consumer Act of the Philippines.”

    * Tampering, alteration, forgery and imitation of the PS mark and the ICC certificates in the helmets will be punished with a fine of not less than P10,000.00 but not more than P20,000.00, without prejudice to other penalties imposed in Republic Act No. 7394 or the “Consumer Act of the Philippines.”

  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    What do YOU think!

    :eek: Shadow! What is your opinion of this Law being Implemented. I know that we have all had a say but you seem to have your Finger on a pulse here.

    Jack P. :smile:
  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Well, I must say that I am against it. I have been riding motorcycles since I was 6 years old. I started racing when I was 12.

    In the western world, if someone gets in an accident and doesn't have insurance, they become a public charge. This was the main reason for implementing and enforcing helmet laws, seat belt laws, etc.

    Here, if someone gets in an accident and doesn't have insurance or money to get treatment, they either get well on their own, die, or they get friends/family to sponsor them. It does not come out of the public's pocket.

    If there were an effort to save lives, it would be about prevention of accidents rather than helmet enforcement. Just one look at the lack of discipline in Dumaguete and one can see that there is a lot of things that could be done to prevent accidents. No accident, no need for a helmet.

    By enforcing proper lighting, signalling, passing, speeding, and how people enter the highway would save more lives than wearing a helmet will.

    The difference is, that would cost money, whereas enforcing a helmet law will create revenue. Effectiveness of saving lives is not really the objective. If saving lives were the objective in a helmet law, then quality helmets such as Bell, Shoie, etc. would be the priority, not illegal! Under this new law wearing a Bell helmet is double the fine of wearing no Helmet at all. That's P3000 for first offense.

    When I wear a helmet here, which I do on occasion, if I am stopped for any period of time, I have sweat running down into my eyes in a matter of just a minute or two. How safe is that?

  7. ReBelBiKeR

    ReBelBiKeR DI Member

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    butting in...

    the helmet law on dumaguete i heard was put on hold due to objections. i guess they should start STRICT enforcement first on the proper operation of motorcycles, signal lights, brake lights, headlights, etc. before they start pounding the bike-public on wearing helmets.

    besides, dumaguete IMO is still classified as a low-volume traffic area that really doesn't make it necessary for everyone driving a bike *in* the city to wear a helmet.

    in going out of dumaguete, thats where you check because everything's starts becoming high speed from there. kudos to sibulan cops ^_^
  8. robgie

    robgie DI Member

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    According to LTO chief Roland Ramos, he is poised to implement the law requiring the motorists to wear helmets by November. October is his ceasefire month because of the Buglasan. He have a commitment with the Buglasan committee ( to allow motorists to drive without helmets) during a dialogue with transprot groups last week. After the festivities in October, the LTO will implement the law. The Dumaguete city council may yet be debating on the proposal to disallow motorists from wearing full-faced helmets while in the City but fot the LTO, full-faced or not, motorists had better have a helmet by November.
    We are required to buy helmets with ICC mark from DTI. There were stores mentioned on the radio from a DTI representative but could not remember, all i remember is those chinese stores were not mentioned.
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :smile: Larry! Thank You for a Great insight to this issue, I see we are going to all be waiting with baited breath to see what RR will do at the end of the month. I do wonder if there will be enough Helmets around to meet the demand :eek:

    Jack P.
  10. ReBelBiKeR

    ReBelBiKeR DI Member

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    with the helmets -- ICC approved -- im seing around oh my not even 10% i guess...
    oh my oh my, you're right. id better get that helmet i was long eyeing for! lol
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