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Helmet law enforcement

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by dodong, Oct 9, 2010.

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  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    John, seat-belts are law since 1999 in the PI.

    A lot of confusion (also with the "helmet law") is created that many traffic regulations refer to the "motorist" which is defined in the PI as the "driver of a motor vehicle", so not the other 6 people sitting on the same Honda Wave

    .. and ask friendly for the "law-enforcers" ID, write down the name and his number. the charges go down or are dismissed very fast.

    When The Dane and Jung were living in Mayung Tubig, Jung's girlfriend drove to Dumaguete for shopping. She got stopped in Bacong and her bike confiscated on the spot as she did not have the registration papers with her.
    She told they are back home and the officer gave her his scooter to drive home and get them... no fines after she presented them half hour later and got her scooter back ...
  2. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    even more confused now


    Well, it was not ME who had the problem :smile: and I'm also not too convinced after reading the link that he came across a liar OR a thief.

    In the link I can find (under 10 A):
    Failure to wear the prescribed seat belt devices and/or failure to require passengers to wear prescribed seatbelt
    1st Offense [ Driver-P250.00 ] [ Operator-P250.00 ] 500 Php
    2nd Offense [ Driver-P500.00 ] [ Operator-P500.00 ] 750 Php
    3rd Offense [ Driver-P1000.00 ] [ Operator-P1000.00 ] 1000 Php

    And under 10C:
    Failure to post signage instructing passengers of public motor vehicles required to wear seat belts to FASTEN SEAT BELTS (600 Php)

    I had a lot of difficulties to figure out which amount of indicated fee does belong to which violation. (no clear segmentations in the rows of the respective fees per violation).

    So my cunclusion is:
    He did at the end MAYBE NOT pay to much with the 500 Php. If however that money went later to the LTO.....nobody knows.
    But the first requested fine of 1500 Php could even have been correct, giving him even a discount of 100 Php. Who knows what is correct here ? :wink:
    500 Php; driver not wearing seat belt
    500 Php; driver not required passenger to wear prescribed seat belt
    600 Php; fealure to post signage instruction

    Any other calculation could be made here as well. So .......who can complain about the given fee :smile::smile:
  3. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I got pulled over last week on EDSA in a "U Turn slot" that I overshot. The charge was driving counterflow. I was guilty and did not deny it. He showed me the fee schedule. The fine was 2,800php and there was a 3 month suspension. I told him I was going back to Dumaguete and it would inconvenience me greatly to have to fly up to Manila to retrieve my license. I told him I would pay the fine, but I did not think he should take my license. He asked me what infraction I wanted to be written up for and I told him I preferred no citation if he could extend this courtesy to me and he let me go with a warning. I was shocked, but then he was a young guy, probably not corrupt yet. As I was leaving he reminded me I was not in the province where there was no enforcement.
  4. pfotoguy

    pfotoguy DI Forum Adept

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    Had a minor motor bike accident today, Bikes OK but I got banged up pretty good.

    I was crushing down the hwy coming home from the store and a guy came off the shoulder not looking, no mirrors and ran into the side of me.

    We both went down..thankfully I don't drive mush over 45kl ph.

    What I really want to say is Please guys wear your helmet at all times It saved me from some critical injuries today!!!

    I asked the officer in charge, Is there a helmet haw here? His answer YES but we don't enforce it because people are poor and cant afford it.

    second question. is it a law her to have side mirrors. YES. same answer.

    Funny cause they can sure afford booze and cockfights gambling.

    I asked about people driving at night with no headlights? his response. Sir this accident happened in the day time, we're not concerned with that.
  5. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I may be wrong, but I think that motorcycles come with mirrors standard. They seem to fit perfectly in the little holes with threads on the handlebars.. so the too poor to afford them doesn't wash on that one. How do they register the bikes at the LTO? Is there an enterprising person at the entrance that rents mirrors to people so they can register their bikes?

    How did the other guy come out of it? I hope he had some post accident trauma from and accidental kick to the ribs
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    actually the Mirror law gets enforced . even all rental bikes (from the reputable bike-rentals) come now with mirrors.

    BUT, I am not sure if underarm mirrors, there is no way to see anything in them other than our own arms. they are shorter than the handlebar.

    anyway pfotoguy, get well soon


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  7. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Being a biker in the US for almost 50 years now, I am totally amazed at how the riders here can just come out of a side street without hesitating and without looking (or even glancing) at what might be coming.
    There is one street on the north side of Jasaan that enters the main highway at about a 45 degree angle, and every time I go pass there I see someone come out at full speed and just merge into the traffic, never once looking.
    They do it everywhere, from the shoulders, side roads, parking lots, gas stations.
    I ride more defensively here than anywhere else. I EXPECT them to do the wrong thing (and mostly they do).
    Not wearing a helmet? A lot don't, but it is a "no go" rule for Mae and I now, and has been almost since I got here. We may not always wear long pants and shoes, but we always put on our helmets.
    Get well pfotoguy, I'm glad it wasn't any worse.
  8. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    And as a P S, I have probably more than a million miles on motorcycles. Maybe 1/4 of it at night. But for some reason, after only trying it 2 times in the past year, I just can't seem to get up the guts to ride at night. Maybe I'm loosing my nerve in my old age.
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Like Chess!

    :eek: Ron, riding at night here is like a game of Chess, You have to judge or guess the next 3 moves of any moving object (With or without lights) You are so right to stay at Home :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  10. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    You definitely have to ride defensively here, but you also have to ride aggressively also as the slight bit of hesitation and someone will occupy the space you were planning on next occupying. I am with Ron on the night riding.. I avoid it if at all possible because that is when the no headlight crowd will shoot out from the side from total darkness. If I am out and it gets dark I have no choice, but if it is dark I stay home unless it is important. Why increase the oddsagainst you?
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