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Helmet law enforcement

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by dodong, Oct 9, 2010.

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  1. pfotoguy

    pfotoguy DI Forum Adept

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    Thanks for the well wishers. I to don't ride at night unless absolutely have too.

    I don't have a problem with my mirrors, you have to tilt your head a bit but I can see with them and there better than nothing.

    I know it's a matter of choice, and I know a lot of people don't like them, but for the sake of the people that love you, wear the d*mn helmet.

    My son had a bad accident a few years ago and it's really hard watching somebody you love in a hospital bed wondering if they're going to make it.

    Luckily he did come through and now wears a certified helmet.
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :smile: unfortunatly pfoto, whilst a lot of us agree with your sentiments I still think we will be in the minority, it IS, going to take an accident, for others to wake up and realise that, helmets and mirrors are there for our protection. all over the world I see the same headlines, see the same story, The are NOT cool. I know that this is Dumaguete BUT accidents do and will happen. Glad to hear you are OK and of course I trust your son is also continuing to be OK.

    Jack P.:smile:
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Whilst I am here on line, I would just like to say Hi to jellyfish and wish you a continued recovery my friend. Shout if you fancy a beer or a coffee.:wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  4. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    We live and learn. Our opinions change.
    They enacted a helmet law in Texas some years ago. The outrage was over the top. There were cries of "freedom of choice", "it's my life to live", and so many others that I can't even remember. So, they repealed the helmet law for all over 18 IF you had a minimum of $X amount of health insurance.
    AND, I was on the side of those that wanted the law repealed.
    And for many years I rode with only a "soft helmet" a.k.a a do-rag at speeds always in the upper ranges of 90mph, even owning 4 nice helmets.
    But, times change, opinions change, circumstances change.
    I would sooner not ride at all, then ride without a helmet.
    In 50 years I've been down 5 times. None serious (yet). But the next time I'll have a helmet on.
    There is an old, very simple biker saying. Not hard to understand. "You ride, you fall". The only people that don't fall are ones that don't ride.
  5. vandykr

    vandykr DI Junior Member

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    Yes dont ride at night .I was rideing dumagette to bais when i had a flat,as i was trying to get bais before dark.there was a tire rapair man just a half block back. after waiting
    i t was geting dark,then almost to bais starting sprinkling and there was a road block with no reflectors I used the front brake a little hard and down i went !!! ouch,torn rotary cup and me and the wife banged up a little but survived.Got on the bike and went home.Next day got handlebars straighted and on the road again.Just have to learn when rideing in ph. The bigger they are the more right of way you give them!!
  6. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    NEWS FLASH - seriously, no joke. On tonights News (01/20/11) the LTO announced that they were going to start enforcing the helmet law in Cagayan De Oro (CDO) for ALL riders, including all passengers on all motors immediately.
    It has been one of our jokes, but true, that anyone coming into CDO from the north has a helmet because of the LTO checkpoint. But once we get into CDO absolutely nobody is wearing one. And CDO is a very large and very congested city.
    We will see the "if and when" of this to see how it plays out.

    And a couple of days ago, there was a hit and run by a motorcycle and nobody could get the plate number because it was "obscured" or faded. The LTO claims (?) that they are also going to enforce the number plate being readable and NO colored plastic covers over the number plate. They mentioned (only) the need for front number plates on motors.

    Sounds good BUT what about the thousands of motors that have been riding around for multiple years with a "For Registration" plate on them. That seems to be a perpetual plate here. It never expires or needs renewing.
  7. vandykr

    vandykr DI Junior Member

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    I lost my licence in bacolod and had to pay 1500 peso to lto to get it back,and my wife told me thats why you buy the plastic licence holder so you can put 100 or 200 peso in it and the officer will give you back your licence and take the money.We were on are way to buy a second helmet at sm .Then i lost my licence in bais for noplates on my new bike and they were going to confiscate but found duek sam forgot to text me and tell me my licence was in lto.Oficer said to meet me tommorow 8am at lto and he would help me get it back.915 am he got there then at noon found we had to refill out papers
    and star over at 1 finally got out of there at 4 or later and paid officer 600 for helping and i think 1200 to get licence because when i got it they forgot to make valid itfor moto.
  8. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    Regardless of the hassle, the cost, the time, the frustration, it is much better to be legal here in every possible way then be illegal in the smallest thing. As foreigners, we are expected to do things right, and when we don't, as foreigners, we are expected to pay a premium price.
  9. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    And, your wife is right about the plastic holder. I carry a stainless money clip/card holder. But, if needed, I can reach in my pocket to get it and slide the money off, so all I pull out are my ID cards (no money). I try to always keep a 500 peso bill folded up between my drivers license and my ACR card, and refer to it as my LTO cash.
  10. OnMyWay

    OnMyWay DI Senior Member

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    makes me wonder what everyone is doing wrong that they have to have bribes ready....strange
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