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Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by JoeMabini, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
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    Well! There we have IT!

    It seems to me that the Anti Foreign Brigade raise there heads, The Lets! keep the Philippines for the Filipinos! Brigade are also here. STUPID! now I have to ask! Who is STUPID here? a thread of this nature was ASKING a question, all I can see is a lot of mumbo Jumbo with nothing but innuendos and whys and wherefores. All the OM asked for was HOW CAN HE KEEP, a helper, I do not believe he asked for all these negative replies. Whether he has money or not, a comfortable life or not, HE asked a question. JOE, if you can't get on with a helper, get rid and move on, Like most things in life it is all about TRIAL AND ERROR.
    US! well Joe, we had like you, a lot of problems to begin with, we tried Family, Friends of family, so we put a one liner in a provincial news paper and found a Young lady who WANTED to work. They are out there my friend. Just do not listen to those who mock or sneer, they usually have nothing to offer but Sarcasm and need not be Heeded at all.

    Jack P. :smile:
  2. Sel

    Sel DI Junior Member

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    I certainly agree with you jack,

  3. OP

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    Thanks for the reply. As you understood, but others have not, the question was asked in order that we may find why we have gone though so many helpers, if we are at fault, and how we may become better employers if we are in fact at fault. The intention was purely well meant.


    You can't decide what you feel as long as you are combative. Look in the mirror, you resemble the "Anti Foreign Brigade" and the "Lets! keep the Philippines for the Filipinos! Brigade"

    You are acting like a hypocrite since you had a helper at home until your mother died. I am sure this helper coddled you, cleaned your laundry, and scrubbed your footprints off of the toilet after you were done using it.

    In regards to treatment, fil/west households treat their domestic help much better than most strictly Filipino households which treat their help as slaves from a lower class. The even do it to a less fortunate cousin. This includes separate food of a lower quality and quantity and eating off of their own special plates and flatware. I have seen it, heard about it and will not do that.


    We have legitimate reasons for having helpers so that is not going to change in the near future. Do you have your wife handwashing the laundry, on her knees scrubbing the toilet, and out in the yard cutting grass with a pair of Scissors even though a helper would make her life easier so she could spend more time with you at McDo? Do you have young kids? Having domestic help is part of the culture if you have not noticed as household chores are generally accomplished in a non automated way in order to know that the items being cleaned are actually clean. Maybe you are just kuripot?
  4. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    Sorry, but we tried 4 of them in the last year, great workers for 2-3 weeks, then it's watching the telly, eating bon bons and rotten fish while everything falls apart around them.
    Never again, it is easier for us to do it all ourselves and we also reap a large benefit in regaining our privacy.
    I could go on and on, but I won't put you through all of that.
    Suffice it to say, we are much happier without the status symbol called "Helper".
  5. ilovedum

    ilovedum DI Junior Member

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    The world moves in mysterious way. I have been here in he PI for 6 years. We have had three helpers in this 6 year time period and two of them were with us in Davao when we lived there for one year and then stayed there when we left. Our 3rd helper we found 5 years ago here in Dumaguete and she along with our Yaya (3 years ago) has been with us since. My wife has this way with people and they love working with us. Maybe because we treat them as part of the family, give them good food and salary, don't yell at them, don't work them to death but more importantly treat them with respect. Maybe people think they are being nice but obviously there must be a reason why they leave. Think about it, no one would leave a good job with nice employers, food and salary. Just doesn't make any sense. So I might suggest you look deeper into the possible reasons. They have to be there unless you are hiring unrofessionals or too young to begin with. Here are some suggestion based on our experience......Don't ever hire young. Over 40 or 50 is best for both helpers and Yaya. Live as far away from their actual home as possible. their being from another province is best (same for the wife LOL... never stay or live where your wife is from NEVER!!!!). pay them at least 2000p a month and give raises annually. good food is a must and actually oneof the most important aspects to their job loyalty. Don't yell at them.
  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Ilove, good points. I would add to lay down some ground rules, make sure they are clear and understood, and manage in a friendly and personal manner, be consistent and fair. I had previous problems with paid holidays (the President would announce next Monday will be a holiday), so I determined 10 holidays I would pay them if they took the day off or double time if they worked. Personally, I would not hire over age 50 or obese, just my past experiences in life.
  7. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    My Wife and I have had exceptionally good experiences with our helpers.
    We treat the girl kindly. Never scream at or insult. My Wife just calmly explains things to her.
    So far, so good.
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,232 / 1,090

    :wink: I feel that this thread could go on for ever, I totally agree with Pat and Manzanita in that ground rules with a little compassion will bring out the best in our helpers. I have been in houses where I shuddered at the way these additions to our households are spoken to. If others have had so many problems I begin to wonder why? If we have all down our homework before and at selection of our help, it should work out, OH! I know there will be the exception, thats reality but the Nightmare helper syndrome can and should be on the decline if we choose well to begin with, for me 6 weeks is enough time to calculate if they are what we want and need. Ours is male and has been with us 6 years now.

    Jack P.
  9. hill topper

    hill topper DI Member

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    I just want to say one thing..... the more money and the nicer you treat them like family they will sh*t on you. Want advances and then forget they ask you for it when pay day comes up short. Do not let them do the shopping unless you give them a groc. list to shop by. If you are suppying their personal bathroon things they will by the best for them selves. Make sure when you pay them or give advanced keep a log with their signature beside the amount you paid them this includes exra help as well.. as soon as they agree on a daily amound or contract write it down infront of him for when pay day comes he will tell you a higher amount was agreed on :-( It is custom to feed the workeds their lunch... but warning..you feed the to well they will stretch out the job...a 3 day job will not take 5 days in some cases and the word travels fast that you are easy pick-en. When it comes to buying materials make sure you go with the man and not just give him money to go by himself. You could get screwed filipino's have many trick of shorting you material or telling you they lost the receipt and come back with a hand written one. The more you treat them like family the quicker they will F_ck you until it drived you nuts. Learn by others mistakes on here or loss your @ss quick. Sorry for this but I use to be a cherry but it has been busted by the best. If they look or sound to good to be true....go by your gut feeling and what you learn on here because it probably is to good to be true. The facts nothing more just the facts :-(.
  10. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    This describes almost exactly what my wife and I went through.
    No more helpers for us.....PERIOD.