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Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by JoeMabini, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Deer! ????

    :eek: Time to sack the Manager then Joe, they do it in sport all the time if the team loses too much!:D Only Kidding Joe, I think we all know it is not easy to find the right help, it is really hit and miss till you find the right one, Seems you have got some satisfaction now though. I hope all the replies gave you some insight's. It is uprising how much we can learn from each other here on DI. I know it does not always work but it helps solve some hiccups!:wink:

    HUH! The heading was supposed to say EEEERRRRR ??????

    Jack P.:smile:
  2. OP

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    Well Jack, I wish I could sack the manager but that is not an option. After coming to my conclusion as to the root of the problem it does not bother me anymore and it does not cause me any discomfort as the manager is the one who has to pick up the slack when one of her suicide bomber helpers pulls the ripcord on her backpack and explodes. You will not find me doing the laundry or any other chores. I am busy enough working to keep the machine well oiled.

    The only discomfort is the moodiness of the manager, but as most of us know and only few are willing to admit nonsensical outbursts and futile arguments are part and parcel when being involved with a Filipina. You can take the girl out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the girl.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

    :wink: Joe, I just love your sense of humour, we must get a beer when I get back from this trip. We are starting a new build soon, I may need an ally or two cos I know that there will be some fireworks, You have my sentiments in your words. :eek: Ain't Life grand :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  4. OP

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    Typical conversation and mayhem at Joe's house:

    Helper gives 3 week's notice, get's regular pay and jumps on a boat to the Mistake Island the next morning with her sister while "going shopping". Helper will not text or answer text from WOJ (Wife of Joe), but her sister is texting that they are in fact on another island.

    WOJ gets mad and explains situation to Joe.

    Joe gets mad too and Joe and WOJ decide when she gets back we will pay her her last pay and send her on her way. Joe then tels WOJ to "go turn over another rock and get another helper".

    WOJ agrees


    **** Joe and WOJ get into a heated discussion about her son from "her baby daddy" before being entered in a "little miss corruption" and "little mr graft" contest at school where the crown goes to the kids with the most solicitations as a fundraiser for the school. The kicker is the parents get 60% of donations back from the school when the contest is over. Son of WOJ is in last place and sister of WOJ contributes 10,000php to his donations of 4,000php so he won't be last. Son wins 3rd runner up and auntie of son gets rebate of 8400 for net loss of 1600php overall. Joe gets in trouble for making observation that they will never rid this country of vote buying and corruption as long as they teach it in the schools which inflames WOJ and Joe is working his way back into the doghouse for the second time this week. Joe then makes the wise decision that he should go take a nap so he will not go deeper in his hole *****

    30 minutes later as Joe is enjoying the aircon in bed.....

    WOJ comes in and says helper called.

    It seems she could not text because the cheap Chinese phone that Joe secured for the helper in Manila won't keep a charge - (Joe's fault even though it is really the helper's fault because she does not know how to properly charge a phone and the battery developed a memory so it does not charge fully anymore),

    Helper, who has lied before, has wild story that sister took her money and was on a rampage giving money to everyone she sees and now she will have to borrow fare to get back to Dumaguete

    Joe says "so what, when she gets here send her packing like we agreed"

    Without telling Joe, WOJ has changed mind and is now siding with helper who has lied to us before - not sure if I mentioned that.

    DISCLAIMER: Joe has repeatedly asked to be informed when the official opinion changes and what his opinion should be, but WOJ does not inform Joe and just tells him after he is not of the same opinion anymore even though he is still toeing the party line.

    Joe is now deemed insensitive and WOJ will not talk to him and did not cook dinner for him

    Joe get's pissed and pulls out colorful vocabulary he discovered in his youth and ends barrage with "Happy f***ing Valentine's Day"

    WOJ still not talking to him based on the fact that:

    -Joe is not allowed to have an opinion even though he pays almost 5,000php per month to support son of WOJ because the "baby daddy" won't take care of him and WOJ sent him away from our house to live with auntie because the kid is basically an "a**hole in training".

    -Joe is not allowed to criticize the helper even though 30 minutes before WOJ was ranting and raving mad. Foreigners have no right to say something bad about Filipinos because it hurts their "misplaced pride"

    Joe asks himself "why are simple minds so complex?"

    Haffy Balentine's Day from "JOE's WORLD"!
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :eek: So Joe! you live in a Normal Household then? Could be a script for a Pinoy Soap Opera? this is stage where I would say, 'Going to the PUB!' :D

    Jack P.:smile:
  6. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Joe, are you the reason they all call white guys "Joe"? :D Just kidding! :D

    Thank God my wife, and her side of the family completely understand that the big white educated guy with the $ and who pays all the bills rules! I will politely listen to their version, their opinion, and their story, but if they want my $ and my help, then they will listen too, and follow my rules. It seems to work very well in our household! Their can only be one king, and my wife elected me! :D

    Happy Valentines day to all! :D
  7. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    Saving this one for the Misses to read!

    And I thought I was the only one with this problem, at least that's what my wife has been telling me!

  8. OP

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I used to think the "Provincial Attitude" was cute, but after 5 years it kind of wears on you. Anyone who has not experienced being wrong no matter what is in denial, or she is a one woman "sleeper cell" and is still springing the trap.

    With Valentine's day in mind, I was watching my P's and Q's on Sunday and she came out of nowhere and recycled an argument from 2 weeks ago which resulted to a trip to the doghouse.

    I guess we should have all done what Pat O did and went for the Thai wife first so the Filipina would be the lesser of two evils!

    In reality, I would not trade my wife for anyone. She has given me two geat kids and I love her to death, just sometimes I feel the "high blood" will lead to my early death.
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,232 / 1,090
    The Devil you Know!

    :eek: You know Joe, They always say " Better the Devil you know" I never really knew or Understood my First wife, I don't really Understand this one BUT for sure I know her, love her of course, as you do yours. She is one of those, that look can into a d*mn near empty fridge AND make Something out of NOTHING :D

    Jack P. :smile: