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Honda XLR/XR200 owners or buyers

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by simple mind, Oct 25, 2010.

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  1. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Thanks for the offer, but nowadays living in Dumaguete. Will keep it in mind and let you know when coming across the water.

    For better understanding what I wrote about making a test drive when one is considering to buy a brand new bike. It goes without saying that no dealer or distributor in PH or elsewhere in the world will allow you to do so on a new bike. However for that purpose a so called demo (demonstration bike) or 2nd hand is often available. In the PH very difficult if not hard to find a dealer offering this kind of service. Hope this have taken away all confusion about a test drive.
  2. ronv8917

    ronv8917 DI Senior Member

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    It could be that I lucked out. My first purchase was a new Honda Wave 125 and was bought cash from a "nationwide" Honda dealer and everything was as you described.
    My second purchase 5 months later was a new Kawasaki Rouser 200 from emcor here in Cagayan De Oro. They were absolutely perfect in every way. The bike was delivered to my home by their truck in perfect condition and ready to go. It needed nothing. I have taken it in for service and I will admit that their service department is a little sparse, but the one mechanic they have checked everything as he was supposed to do, and changed the oil, and removed the rear wheel and took it and had it repaired for a nail in the tire (tubeless) he was quick and effecient. For Phils, I was impressed.
    And, having rode a Harley for about 40 plus years in the US, I can honestly say the Kawasaki Rouser 200 (made by Bajaj in India) is a perfect bike for here, once you get use to riding a rocket bike.
  3. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    Hi again, some Info on the "Electricalsystem", again this is "Honda" it is very good, what i might suggest is that one should as early as possible after buying the Bike, separate every Connector on the Bike one after another (the single ones with the help of a "Longnose" pliers), the multi contact Plugs have locks which must be unlocked bevor you are able to pull them apart, some "wiggling" them helps, unplug one at a time and apply some "Contactspray" of your choice on both, male and female side and plug them together again, also spray some into the Switches on the Handelbar, be carefull to notice the different screw lenghts, don't force the screws in or you will damage the Switches, spray some into the "Blinker" sockets and Front/Taillight sockets and into the "Rear Break Light Switch" as well, this will prevent any contact problems in the future.
    I have not heard of any inbuild problems with the Electricalsystem, no Starter, Lights (my Headlight Bulb is still the first one), Switches gave me any problems so far. AS LONG as nobody played around with it, it's perfect.
    There is something "Crazy" going on in Dumaguete about the Original "Red Spark Plug-Plug/Cover" , it is consequently stolen from the parked Bikes (only in Dumaguete) and expensive to replace, the cheaper NGK and other Plugs are much lesser Quality but it would be unwise to replace it with an Original, even if you cover it with Tape to mask it, it will be gone sooner or later!
    The Spark Plug does NOT need much attention, in 9 out of 10 problems they are Fuel related, out of it or dirty Jets, ones a Year cleaning is enough and DON'T adjust the Gap, it will almost never be a problem.
    The Original "Yuasa" Batterie (about 4000 peso) in my Bike lasted 5 Years+ by using the Bike twice a week, however, if the Bike stands for long times (6 Months or longer) without Maintenance it fails early on and is best replaced with a "Imarflex" sealed one (about a 1000 peso), the ones that you fill up with Acid bevor use have in my experience mostly failed early.
    Some times the Horn loses it's "Bark" this can be corrected by adjusting the Horn with the small "Philips Head" screw at the back, you must first remove the sealing agent in order to turn the screw, turn only a little at one time and try again how it Sounds, you may use "Nailpolish" to reseal it after you made the adjustment.
    The "Clutch and Trottlecabel" are of good quality and will last many years, IF you take them off at the Handelbar side and wrap some Tape around at the end to form a "Funnel" and then let some Engineoil drain into them, best repeat several times until the oil comes out at the Bottom.
    If you fail to do that the Cabels will soon get hard moving, preventing smooth operation of Clutch and Trottle, the cable will also fail premature.

    More next time

    Everybody have a good time
  4. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    ronv8917, you can get a very good Service in SUZUKI World near the Airport in Dumaguete but you have to buy Suzuki and they(sadly) have no Dirt Bike to mention in their Program.
  5. nailed2save

    nailed2save DI New Member

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    I don't know if I'm in the right thread. As I was reading, I immediately had the hint that the writers in this column are experts in bikes.

    I need a little help... I'm looking for a 2nd hand XR200/XLR200. Is it possible to get a good one with a budget ranging from 45-55K? I'm from Dumaguete and I prefer to get the bike from around the city for easier transaction, if ever.

    Thanks and gratitude in advance fellow Dumaguetenios.

  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    It's possible, but not likely going to be easy to find. P70,000 or so seems to be the starting point for 200s in decent shape, and even that is not always easy to find.

  7. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    I have to agree with Larry, there is at the moment one XLR200 for sale, it is the Bike of a Guy i did work on his Bike, the Bike is in good enough shape for it's age but he sold it to the Bike Dealer near the "Provincial Hospital" and now they are asking for 70Th.:(
  8. nailed2save

    nailed2save DI New Member

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    thanx for replying mga sirs. well, i think I need to stretch the budget then.

    Sir, you said it was already sold? or is it still available? is there any way I can contact the current owner if he's selling it?

  9. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    The Bike is still for sale as much as I know, I would try first to get it for 60Th. because he bought it of my Friend for only 50Th. you can see the Bike standing along the Road driving from "Provincial Hospital" to the Airport about 300m after the Hospital on the left side, it's gun/gray, red Original Paint.
    Good Luck:smile:
  10. nailed2save

    nailed2save DI New Member

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    thank you Sir. I'm gonna go there this afternoon to see the bike. I hope it's there because Saturday ra ba karun. But I'll go there anyways. thanx again for all the info.
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