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How Are We Perceived Marrying a Young Filipina

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Dec 2, 2010.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    How are we perceived?
    How do you think the Philippines people think of us foreigners marrying young Filipinas?
    My wife and I were walking to our bike from Robinsons yesterday and these two guys walked by and said something in the local language as he sneered at me. I asked my wife what he said and she said his comment was she is young enough to be my daughter. I laughed and told her he should have said my granddaughter. But it did get me thinking about what the local people think of us. I looked at some internet blogs and they were not very complimentary but most of the negativity was directed at the girls. Personally, I don’t care what they think of me but I do care what they think of my wife.
    When I first talked with Crislyn, her sister-in-law put her in touch with me, she told me she wanted to improve herself and make herself better and wanted to go to college. I had that same goal due to the fact that I came from a poor family in a bad area and didn’t want that situation to be my life, so I could relate to her and I think that is why I wanted to meet her. After getting to know her, I agreed to sponsor her education at Silliman then after her graduation we would see if we wanted to marry. To make a long story short, we fell in love and decided to get married and build a house instead of her going to college, her and her mother’s decision on the education.
    Does that make her a bad person, one that is just after my money and will hope I die soon? I certainly don’t think so and I wouldn’t have married her and built a house if I thought differently. I am sure the majority of you are of the same mindset.
    I know there are some local men and women on this forum. I wonder how they think of us?
    I ignore the looks we get at the mall and smile when the guys check out my pretty wife, they wish...

    To be sure, there are many of us living in the PI married to locals and helping to support the economy. I think it is a win-win for all. Interested to hear your points of view.
  2. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Who cares what other people think?
    All Philippinos are drunkards, gamblers and those who can afford have 3 mistress.
    All sportsmen are like Tiger W. and have mistresses all over the world.
    All politician are thieves and crooks.
    Moviestars do it all with each other.
    There are so many ways to look down or up to others and if they don't find something they will create some story about you.
    Live your life and be sure other people will always talk about you true or not true because they don't care also.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :wink: Pat! For me my Signature says it all.

    Jack P.
  4. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    Hey Pat---you are in good company! Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was married 4 times, all to young law students--at 65, his third wife was a woman in her early 20's and at 67, his fourth was another a law student in her early 20's. He caught a lot of flack about it, but was oblivious to criticism.
    As said in an earlier post, Live your life to the fullest and may good fortune always be with you!
  5. richard08

    richard08 DI Member

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    May God firefly! Are you sure All Filipinos are?:eek:
  6. Masculado

    Masculado DI Member

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    Hey firefly! Watch your mouth! Your living on foreign soil. You might end up in a box someday for calling filipinos Drunkards and gamblers.
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    why don't you guys simply answer the original question of PatO which was:

  8. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Hey folks i'm not yet finish with my stereotypes, as you know i'm from Belgium, so here we go:
    All Belgians are dumb (Hollanders, sorry Dutch say so)
    All Belgians eat only fries, mussels and beer and of course chocolate.
    And do you know how we place a lamp in a lampholder ? Someone will stand on a chair, hold the lamp and 4 other people will turn the chair around.

    But i still have stereotypes about people with tattoos, people with disability's, Indians, Moslims, and of course Dutch but this i will keep for myself.
  9. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Firefly, are you from the Flemish or the Walloon background? I lived in Liege for a while and met a lot of strongly opinionated folks.
  10. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    +17 / 1
    Hi Pat, i'm Flemish that's why we are so "close" to the Dutch that speak the same language.
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