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How Are We Perceived Marrying a Young Filipina

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Dec 2, 2010.

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  1. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Will try again to add my two cents
    The age gap between myself and my wife is 15 years.I feel comfortable with that and the only remarks that I am aware of came from two English guy's here in the Uk. I just laugh it off as they did not know the difference between a Filipino and a Thai, they also don't realise the distance between the two Countries.
    That said I feel that I should point out that as guest in another Country we should behave in a respectful manner. Respect gain's Respect, nobody likes anyone who is boastful or belittles others less fortunate. I am yet to meet anybody who likes having their nose rubbed into the ground. I have been lucky maybe to have never encounted any animosity from strangers, but I have a few tales about in laws.....JB
  2. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

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    Hi patO, I believe this age difference gossip/ harassment goes on all over the world, with the difference that the pinoys tell you straight to your face while westeners just do it behind your back.
    Lots of young beautiful pinays compare marrying a westener to getting a passport to a whole new world and in many cases it is.
    One might not like to hear it but that is a fact of life, and young pinoys resent that, not that it's their businness but their ego and pride is hurt somehow.....
    It would be much worst if the pretty girl had a previous relationship with a pinoy before meeting a long nose....then the long nose would be playing with destiny, destination likely to be a wooden box or out of the country.
    On a slightly different note, my pinay wife of 25 years is a couple of years older then me, still I did not get any pretty young lady sneering at me yet.
    Love is nurtured over the years, wish you all the best!
  3. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    I agree with all you have said......Here is the funny part...if a US man bring their chick to USA the people will look down att him and not the chick. Explain that. Many asian girls in USA using men one way or the other.... GrandPa or SugarDaddy.....or plain prostitutes.....Most good asian women meet men in their own age in USA and live a normal life with children and family, because deep inside that is what they want. Why chose an old man with big fat belly and 50 to 60 years differnce in age, and Viagra dependent when there are so many good looking young studs available? My lovely wife often tells me that the reason why men pick up young girls in Phil is because they cant even get an old one in their own country. These guys have a great ego and are often time most interested in sex with young girls..... that said by a filipina with experience in life, working as a counsellor with young unhappy girls with bad experience with older men, and all their promises. Many pedophiles is also running around in Philippines and Thailand. We hope all young girls and their familys in Phil open their eyes and think twice. Protect your young girls from certain men....especially the sweet talkers. Good luck to all longterm relaitionships with pure honesty and good intentions.

    Cheers, Ron
  4. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    Both my daughters who grew up in Cebu and now live in the States have told me that they and their friends noticed and looked down on the older guys and the young girls they were with. Funny thing is that when the younger one came to America she didn’t know how to drive. I would take her to the mall and other places where she got a dose of her own medicine. People were staring at the old man with the beautiful mestiza and making assumptions. I didn’t notice, probably because I really don’t give a d*mn what anyone else thinks.

    My two cents, do what you feel is right and don’t pay attention to what others think or say.
  5. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    I hear you well.....maybe it is time for you to give a d*mn. When we do, it is always for the better.....Of course the US people look down at older men with young girls...... it is not normal if not immoral. We should at least stay within our own generation.... Maybe peolpe understand each other better that way. Just my opinion. As you may know, the young meat can get old fast, so what is left?

    Cheers Ron.
  6. Sel

    Sel DI Junior Member

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    Hello pato,

    Dont think other people, as long as your happy, that the most important, I wonder why people cannot take care of thier own life completely, they should mind others first, before they realize that they touch others moral.
    Love is not base on age, its base on our heart, People think when they open thier mouth's, they think they open thier hearts,, hahah, etsetera, etsetera, Poor people

    so go on be happy and good luck..

    Merry christmas
  7. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    And I certainly don't give a d*mn what you think.
  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Well we certainly know what the foreigners think, still waiting for local opinions or are some things best left unsaid?.......JB
  9. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    People in all societies "marry up" in one form or another. Some women in the states want a husband that is either rich by birth or by occupation such as a doctor or lawyer. Of course not every man is a doctor or lawyer, so they compromise along the way.

    Here in the Philippines, the foreigners are not the only ones hooking up with young ladies. There are all kinds of old Filipinos doing the same thing with young girls. I guess it is invisible because of the matching skin color.

    While I know some couples here with a 40 to 50 year difference between the participants, not all of those relationships are between people that have nothing in common. I know one couple that has a fantastic relationship. I also know another couple that are strangers to each other in so many ways and are out of touch.

    My wife and I only have a gap of 14 years, so we don't get too many sneers around town that I know of or pay attention to. I am 45 and she is 31, so nothing is too strange about that. In 15 years when I am 60, she will be 46. She "married up", but so did I because I have a great mate with family values that I share that is a loving mother to our two kids.

    If you are happy and as long as you are not fooling yourself as to what your relationship is based on, then I am happy for you. If you are just an old fool being taken advantage of, then I feel sorry for you but you have to live your own life. I have no right to tell you to live it any different.
  10. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Well said Joe regards JB
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