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How Are We Perceived Marrying a Young Filipina

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Dec 2, 2010.

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  1. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    JoeMabini, thank you for your insightful response. I think you are right. The key to a successful relationship, and in my case marriage, is the foundation of what your relationship is built on. Love, lust, companionship, care, cooking, all or a combination, whatever. To many on this forum, age difference seems to be critical. It is good they understand that constraint and built their relationships within that. I will not say “don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it” because it may be distasteful and perhaps even perverted to the moral majority. I understand and respect their views. Still, some who get to know my wife and I may see something is there that is rare and wonderful, others have already met us and apparently couldn’t handle the situation. So we say, live and let live, live your life and we will live ours.
    May I ask this thread to be closed. I thank all for their frank and open replies. Peace on Earth.
  2. Sel

    Sel DI Junior Member

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    JoeMabini, who ever is that, doctor,lawyer, executives, at the end of the day we all are one, and wherever you go in the world, theres alot of hookers, not only in philippines, if you can find the clean no hookers, then i start to believe that you born in this world that your fingers same levels. Lucky you.

    No one is clean or straight JoeMabini we are all humans, so be in peace instead of thingking others, or minding what you see in your eyes.

    It sounds you live in a perfect life, so be it, dont break the perfect life with palace home, you are living now by looking of others life.

    But if you can help them, then do, instead do not try to break others life more, you already out of the limit, Its moral damage.

    Peace be with you
  3. Sel

    Sel DI Junior Member

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    I agree pato, let this thread close its too much to think LOL..

    Leave it, have peace
  4. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    I do not believe anything in my post could be misconstrued as inflammatory towards anyone except my reference to old Filipino "chick boys" and how that is a long term institution here. However, the foreigner / filipina is looked down on from certain people of a certain nationality which will remain nameless even though it is one and the same except for the foreigner is probably not maintaining another family that might go to the extreme of assassinating a girl who happens to be benefiting from the family wealth as happened last year in Rizal Park next to the TMO. Am I being too vague?
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    NOT really answered.

    :confused: I know that it has been requested that this Thread be closed, Rhoody has not and I am sure he is well aware that it is not finished yet, "IT ain't over til the Fat Lady sings" I am just happy that I got back from Manila before it is closed. for me, Pat's Question has not really been answered the way he would have liked. Perception is a funny word, it is perceived by many in different ways. for me!, My daughter (A Filipino 100%) told me on Sunday, DAD, your are the best dad I could have, My 85 year old Mother-in-Law calls me the Big man with a Big Heart, we never married for money, we had none, Young or old, we Marry for Love, perceive that anyway you want. My Extended family have always shown me the utmost respect, love and admiration in all things. What I feel is the problem with the Anti Brigade on all fronts, is the Image that is set by the Big Mac Waller's and the Boulevard stalkers, They never sit and think about the members her on DI that are the Majority and certainly not the minority of foreigners in the PI, it is these minority that stalk the young and poor or innocent girls that are quite often referred to. The Perception here, is in the main, a welcome one, anyone that thinks different is maybe a stalker too. We all make mistakes in our life, we come and try to make amends somehow to our selves. any one who has never made a mistake, has never lived. If it takes a younger person to help make that amendment, then that is OK by me, and I can vouch for a large Filipino family, it is more than OK with them too. For all members with a young Wife, my signature says it all.

    God bless and a Merry Xmas.

    Jack P.:smile:
  6. hawaiidiver2

    hawaiidiver2 DI Junior Member

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  7. anita

    anita DI Member

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    Hi Pato...your wife is not the only one criticize by local men and women on public. I was young when I meet my husband and his age is double as mine. When a person says negative comment then they are jealous the fact that a pretty young woman is with a handsome american older than their age. Just ignore those public comments. Good luck.
  8. Sel

    Sel DI Junior Member

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    Pato people are jealous, so let them live with it.
    They'll get fed-up

    Merry Christmas
  9. hawaiidiver2

    hawaiidiver2 DI Junior Member

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    jealous...hmmm........probably not jealous of the young wife/girlfriend that those expats living in the Philippines/Thailand have because just about anyone with a foreign passport can seem to attract them, but certainly jealous of the fact that you are now living in a tropical place where it is inexpensive to live, you retired at an early age, and you live in a style that many can't afford in the western world.
  10. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Yes havaiidiver2....LOL...most would be jealous of that! Hell, even I'm jealous at the moment!
    These big age gaps though....from what I've seen here in Australia....the success rate after bringing them here isn't particularly high. Seen some run off with younger guys. But have seen a couple go the distance till the old codger croaks. Then they move on to the younger guys.......Anyway that's life. I wouldn't dwell on it - but staying in the Philippines with a much younger wife does improve the chances...maybe....Pretty easy to ignore the commentary there too....
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