I usually avoid Muslim controlled areas unless I am being paid to be there (and have military protection). Anywhere in the ARMM (and it's surrounding provinces) is my personal "off limits" area here. I do not care if people have traveled or lived there for decades without incident, nothing will convince me that Muslims are peaceful and tolerant of other's beliefs/culture. I've been to far too many Muslim countries to know that is simply NOT true.
Even the "peaceful" Muslim countries/areas outside of the Philippines have sticks shoved so far up their @ss that anything a normal human would consider fun has likely been outlawed. I simply do not like anyone/group that forces their religion on other people, especially through laws/government. Not saying they don't have a "right" to control their own laws and area.....I'm just not going to go there and give them my tourist money. I'm sure they will figure it out when their oil runs out and the rest of the world doesn't need them anymore. (And if they want a glimpse of what their future will look like after their oil is gone all they have to do is look to the ARMM in the Philippines. The religion is simply not compatible with peace, stability and modern life and certainly not compatible with economic stability.)
Best Posts in Thread: Mindanao (northern), is fine! Not kidnapped or beheaded yet.
You are totally safe in the Philippines, until sh@t happens. As a foreigner, you will always be seen as an easy mark. 99.9% will never encounter a problem, but now and then foreigners & locals are kidnapped and murdered. As Silverman said, wrong place, wrong time, which is multiplied if you are in a muslim area. Just a friendly smile to a girl could get you targeted. Don't tempt fate.
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Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
Sounds great. Definitely better than Dumaguete where people get hit in the back of the head with a beer bottle. Does that happen to anyone where you are? Perhaps you have found paradise.
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