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Motor bike Warehouse

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by warehouse, Aug 25, 2010.

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  1. genemichaels

    genemichaels DI Junior Member

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    When looking to buy a pocket bike (miniature motorcycle) be sure to do your research. You need to find reliable sales professionals, dealers, or Internet connections to make this purchase. There are many 'knock-offs' or imitations out there and to purchase them would be a waste of your money and time. The parts for these imitations are not typically found and in the rare event that you can find them they will be extremely costly and are typically not guaranteed.
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Too Big Too Too Old!

    :D Take you Point, Like you style, BUT Gene, come on, we oldies talking here are not really into this type of machine, We are rather Large, Older Type who know what we need or want." OH YES!! we are Boys, admit it! :D We were talking modern day Scooters.:rolleyes:

    Jack P.:smile:

    Bye the way, no put down about your wrong thread post, Just a little light banter. :D
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Yamaha T.Max 250

    :smile: Robert, Punch up Yamaha, I have seen these machines and they are Awesome. Might just just interest you. T, MAX 250, :D

    Jack P.:smile:
  4. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Jack, that T-MAX 250 does look awesome! I love the fact that it has a 12L fuel tank. The 1 US. gal. fuel tanks on many scooters is a nuisance. As good as it is the yamaha tmax would probably be overkill for my use, trips to the store or a watering hole / resteraunt, just puttering around on any day it isn't just pissing down. I couldn't find a great deal of information on the tmax250. Yamaha may have since dropped the model to concentrate on the 500 model which has a price tag of 382,000 php. I dont think the tmax 250 would be much cheaper. I will be happy with something inbetween the tmax and Genemichaels pocketbikes I think. Robert K
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Sym GTS 125cc

    :smile: Robert, for a Mid range Shopper check out the SYM GTS 125. She is a beauty, In fact there are one or two of the SYM range you may like. As they are an Asian Manufacturer I think the prices are Quite Good.:wink:

    Jack P.:smile:

    Bye the way, Did you ever hear from warehouse again, We are still on his thread but he seems to have disappeared.
  6. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Jack, warehouse seems to have escaped! Should we call out the dogs and drag him back ? We never did learn his preferences in motorbikes/cycles. We can keep his thread warm and maybe he will come back. Thank you for pointing out the gts 125, Jack. It looks like a sweet ride. With that large fairing and windshield, rider fatigue is probably non-existant. For the short trips I would make they are unecessary though. If I were a dog in a car, I would be hanging my head out the window [ mentally, insert appropriate smilley here lol ]. You are absolutely right that Sym would have scooters that appeal to me. While looking up the gts 125 I came upon the SYM VS 125 / 150 . They say it's the best selling scooter in Australia. I can see why. It's a beauty and alot of scooter for the money. The vs 150 would probably be best for hauling my large 110 kilo kano rear end around. The 20% extra torque might come in handy on hills. Robert K
  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    3 wheeled Scooters!

    Glad you found some useful reading Robert, I was researching a Bike I have only seen twice, I can't remember the Maker and I forget the model, Not had much luck so far but maybe you have some knowledge. It is A mid Range, probably 250cc but the weird thing it has 2 front wheels. Both stay square on the floor and yet you ride it like a normal bike. have you ever seen this type of machine?:confused:

    In Fact has ANYONE any knowledge of these type of Scooter??

    Jack P. :smile:
  8. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    2 wheels +

    Piaggio makes them Jack. They are called the MP3. They are supposed to be very stable. Suggested price in the US would be 305,000 php for the 250cc model. There is also a 400 and I think a 500cc model. I am sure the quality is high; but the design seems very complicated. So complicated, I can't see how they can sell them for that price and make a profit. Speaking of profit; There is a niche market in the US for motorcycle sidecars and a sort of training wheel set-up that they call insta trike, retaining the original rear wheel as the drive. Also, motorcycle / scooter trailers seem to be a coming thing. Could be a business for someone in the sidecar/insta-trike/scooter trailer manufacture and sales. I can really see the potential of the trailers. Adding a couple of wheels could add more fun. Robert K
  9. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Ah! Ok, vespa!

    :wink: Seems Robert there is only me and you on this Thread now, Gene and Warehouse having disappeared into the Blue Yonder. Thank You for the latest update, I will answer you tomorrow as I have JUST been told to go to bed, I had to work last night as I need to finish this job for Sunday:wink: She is so domineering sometimes. (Love it really) I never thought about Piaggio as they are the makers of VESPA and they have never been on My Agenda. However I will just say that a friend in Spain tells me that the VS125 is the best seller there also this year, I guess SYM have got something right here. I will talk again tomorrow but will just add check out DAELIM and the the new APRILLA ANTLANTIS. Both again are Awesome.
    Have a Good day today, me I will try and Sleep some:D

    Jack P.:smile:
  10. PhilT

    PhilT DI Member

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    Jack just to join up 2 threads here is myself and the bike I rode from Dgte to Sipalay wife on the back also I have had motorbikes when single fell off all of them! both here and in Phils! but still breathing! road from Hinobaan to sipalay with twisted bars! fell off! (usual excuses etc) Anthony got his tools out and we straightened them out! Happy days! Quote from Anthony : "When you are young and carefree they are the most exciting times of your life" ..... I agree....hey I look thin there! Hmm what happened?

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