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moving on,so long....

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by tunji oluwajuyemi, Sep 25, 2011.

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  1. tunji oluwajuyemi

    tunji oluwajuyemi DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +47 / 0
    I'm in thailand now doing the 1 month free entry stay here..Few days in bangkok and most of the time in chiang mai...The food is where its at here of course and the roads and traffic and cars are so better organized and less trash and polution on streets and air and all the while cheaper here than in philippines,even in bangkok...huge floods here when arrived displaced 600,000 homes not to mention pakistan and india floode badly also...Saw 6 to 8 ft lizard (Goanna monitor?)wash up on shore in bangkok from the river flooded out by all the floods coming down from up north and bringing wild life with it.. So i like thailand but alas i have same symptoms here throat sore cough fever and weak and dizzy head when the rains are active,,so the deal for me is move back to the USA where i feel fine and visit my sisters and mom and dad getting older after 13 years not being to my home town in Kentucky...stay there 5 months and then try costa rica in central america..i traveled in central america before,Gautemala, Mexico and Belize and no problems like asia..Even travel in africa was OK but malaria was problem for me there.....1999 to 2000 did traveling there before settling hawaii and i was not for living out of USA then but philippines has definiteley made me more willing to live in cheaper countries as long as I'm not allergic to the place...1.5 years stay here since february 2010... will leave early december for good......Maybe come by for short visits in future but no more long term stay.....
  2. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +39 / 0
    Sorry to hear that, Tunji, you were one I was hoping would make it here.

    Happy trails,

  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    +514 / 126
    Tunji, I know you gave it a good try, I wish you the best of luck with your health and happiness.
  4. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
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    Tunji.. I enjoyed your posts old chap, I hope you stop by here at DI and report on your progress, we'll be looking forward to hearing from you regularly.
    Until then, I dedicate this song to you....

  5. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,205 / 239
    Farewell Tunji,
    Many places to visit, dreams to follow.
    A friend of mine suggested Panama ! Have you been there?
    Anyway, Good luck wherever your travels take you.......JB
  6. OP
    tunji oluwajuyemi

    tunji oluwajuyemi DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +47 / 0
    :smile:Yep he be right about panama..Panama on the south border of costarica..Costa rica gives 90 day visa waiver to american but panama gives 6 months no visa, free entry.So since i do 10 month stretch only away from USA,I can do 90 days costa rica, 6 months panama and last month in costa rica and do that every year no worry visa fees...But they do have resident immigrant status that i more than qualify for and its easy and cheap to get after the paper work is complete...I think 600 dollar monthly permanent income is all they want from U.S. immigrants wanting residency...And criminal records check... Yep excited and know it will be fun but i hope it can last..
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