It is really nice of you for doing those things to your girlfriend's family.Helping them without hesitations would really mean a lot to the family and to your girlfriend, too.YOU seldom find foreigners who have a soft heart like yours now a days..Stay nice..
This is great advice Kenny. I have taught business courses and most people don't really know what it takes to thrive in business and those that do learn usually have at least 3 business failures before they learn enough to make a go of it. Experience is the best teacher, and it should be it is the most expensive. Operating a business may look easy and fairly simple but there are many pitfalls regardless of what country you are in.
Yes, and operating a business in the Philippines has a whole other set of issues... bureaucracy like you wouldn't believe...bribes and corruption (especially if officialdom knows that a "rich" foreigner is bankrolling the enterprise), an unmotivated's tough.