I was sitting at McDoos having breakfast when this expat (American) that is an acquantance came over and sat at the next table over from me. During our conversation, we starting talking about the trikes and scooters. He told me how he got into this horrific accident and nearly died on the street. He said he ran into a trike on his scooter or the trike ran into him. I dont recall all the details but, I do remember that he stated that 85% of all patients going into the emergency room at the hospital are scooter, motorcycle, and trike related!
If you ever get the chance, I suggest that you get up early on Sunday morning and drive down and around Dumaguete. 7 am to 8 am is a good time. There are almost no trikes or scooters! Dumaguete should do what Guam and Saipan did. A private company went out and bought buses that look just like old street cars (similiar to what you see in San Francisco) Every year there are routes in Guam and Saipan that are bidded out to the private transport companies. It would be nicer if they could put in real electric street cars (size of a bus) with tracks all around Dumaguete city.