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PAL VS CP - the never ending saga

Discussion in '☋ Tourist Information ☋' started by davfitz, Jun 19, 2009.

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  1. wileiz

    wileiz DI Junior Member

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    We cannot blame the airlines for our changed plans since they have standard policies to follow. If we dont want any penalties and extra charges, we will stick along with our planned and booked flights.just some tips, when we book a flight through phone, the agent is double checking the schedule we preferred, finalizes the schedule and wraps up overall flight info then tell us how much it costs and it is our responsibility to listen carefully and to agree on all that has been said and when we are going to pay the ticket to the ticketing office there is still a review of the flight details we booked. When we are booking a flight through credit card, before it is finalized and accepted by us it shows all the details of our chosen flight schedules so we still have the responsibility to review all the infos. before paying it.

    We should be lenient and careful enough on booking and purchasing airlines tickets or else we will be double charged for the penalties and we end up blaming airlines for our carelessness...

    peace to all
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Very true, but there are businesses that are customer friendly and then there are the other ones! :D
  3. highway_61

    highway_61 DI Member

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    On Sunday, June 28, we were at the airport early enough. However, when we finally got to the counter, they discovered that the ticket issued was for the next day (Monday). I tried to reason with the ticket counter that our international connection flight is for that day and not the next day but to no avail. I felt like talking to a wall since none of them are listening and pretty much told me that it was my sister's fault.

    that happened to me once, in Bangkok. I'd miscalculated the time difference/date and found out at check in with the Thai domestic airline (PB Air) that the flight I'd booked was for the day before. When I told them what happened, they just laughed, gave me a mint, and booked me on the next flight later that day.

    if it had been a budget airline, like Cebu Pacific, then that just would not have happened. You just have to accept that with the cheap airlines, you get a lower service level and if you don't like it then don't buy it - just pay more to fly with someone else instead.
  4. lyjhugeo

    lyjhugeo DI Junior Member

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    To all,

    Here's a quick reference to the meaning of the two airline acronyms:
    PAL - Philippine airlines Always Late
    CP - You fly at Cebu then you land at the Pacific ocean

    ...Just getting this thread alive.
  5. Survivor Adik

    Survivor Adik DI Member

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    Its actually PAL - Plane Always Late
    Not true anymore now though... hehehe
    Cebu Pacific - Cebu Pathetic
    Does this still hold true now?
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Cebu Pathetic ..... more than ever !
  7. liquido

    liquido DI Member

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    Flying CP from Bangkok-Manila being a 3 hour flight you would think they would at least give you a free beverage..WRONG..cheap @ss airline..Then they come down the aisle with there made in china tourist items for sale..What a joke of an airline
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    You pay for what you get.Don't like it don't buy it,simple rule's.
    I use PAL,better service all round.no problem buying on line at all.
  9. Steve4910

    Steve4910 DI Member

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    garbonzo is right on this one and you are in the wrong Davfitz. You bought a restricted ticket which basically means that you are getting a special deal and you agree to fly on those travel dates indicated. When you bought that ticket on that discounted price, you automaticlly agreed to the airlines terms when you paid your money. What sucks about the deal is that they don't tell you the travel restrictions unless you ask. This is a very common practice that most airlines are doing now. Have you ever thought why you get such good travel deals on cheap tickets sometimes? The airline wants to fill those seats on the plane for slow travel dates and they don't want to end up and cancel flights due to empty seats. That's why Cebu Pacific sometimes cancels it's flights, but they say it's a mechanical reason instead of telling you we failed to get enough passengers on that plane. My advice if you want to avoid this ever happening again, ask for an unrestricted open ticket which means that you can change your travel dates anytime or get a full refund. The big problem when doing this is that you get no discounts and sometimes pay almost double price for the ticket. When you buy those sweet discounted fares, ask them if there are restrictions on that ticket. Remember if you buy your tickets online, then it will look for the lowest fare and most online tickets have restrictions. I know it's often hard to ask for help especially when your on the net and you see a good ticket price and you can't ask anyone. Always assume that online ticket has a restricted travel dates that can never be changed. Stick to your travel dates and don't make any changes and you wll never get screwed.
  10. wileiz

    wileiz DI Junior Member

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    You may wonder why Pal seldom offers discounted tickets it's because the pay enough for the maintenance and services which in return they can offer a quality service to the passengers.But regardless of what airline is it, they are assuring passenger's safety and convenience so it is better to hear a cancelled flight than an aircraft crashed. But I can say that every airline is meeting the standards of flying airworthy both passengers and airplane itself because it really costs a lot. have a nice and pleasant flight to all!
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