You should see me in x bar in Dumaguete at around the half dozen beer mark. Neaderthal? Check. Uncivilized? Check. Cheeky? Check. Discourteous? Check. And then Rhoody comes in and I could add a few more to that list. :P
But Dude you are always funny But Dude you are always funny even if you are being cheeky. Don’t think you have been ever insulting to anyone. Even if it maybe a little different but you are always cool. Rhoody is the same always funny and always a pleasure to read. But people who think they are self-important always seem to upset things.
All The Best Lots Of Love I Hope We Can All Meet Up 1 Day,and Thanks For Trying To Block Me Roody Or Is It Rudey Lolxx
I personally don't see how any person of Scot's descent wouldn't take offence at that comment. I'm also not surprised that people like Stueeey, actually take it up as a valid issue. It's not like Scots go around calling their southern counterparts "english b**tards" all the time, is it now?LOL!
i get called similar to that by every nationality! not just the Scots! lol I can't pronounce them stars though.
hello ? anybody in there? Jenny knows Im half scotish and thats all part of the joke,No I wasnt offended and I responded in a british humours way as you are aware the jewish are also stereo typed as being tight,I mean what a prawn!Ave a word with this one bikerdave would ya mate!SImple jen made a joke I made one back nobody is upset so stop being a prawn and find something more interesting to talk about the weather !!
Okay the weather It is hot and sunny or hot and rainy. That is one of the best reasons to live in the Philippines :D