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PI Divorce Exception if Foreigners Divorce abroad

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by PatO, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    Seems like an awfully complicated way of ending marriages should it have to come to that, would be simpler to have the contract 'terminated' by other methods, which, has happened before in this province on numerous occasions.:wink:
  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :confused: Larry, seems that the US is a little more Liberal than the UK, We know the the British Law is an @ss but then we of us, that are British, have to some degree, got used to it. Azon tells me she would never go to the UK for a court appearance, so I guess I am stuck with her :D All joking apart though, it has opened a lot of eyes here, well amongst those Pinoys that I have spoken too on this. One of the anti Brigade even said to me, Typical, YOU Foreigners have it all your own way in OUR country, Bit OTT I thought but then I guess he was of the opinion that what is good for us is good for them, I do intend to agree a little on this. International Agreements are there I said, for a reason and of course it is good for the PI Spouse as they can marry again, should things go wrong and of course they do sometimes. Well Larry we live and Learn, Thank You for the time and consideration in replying to my Question.

    Jack P.
  3. fallenviking

    fallenviking Ring Ring. Who's calling?

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    Hi, hello I am fresh new face in here. But this was interesting. If to divorce, why not do it in Norway. Here we just separate, move out. And after one year you are divorced. If both parts agree that is. If no agreement, you will still get your divorce after two years.
    Good luck guys.