In our area, when you get your bill it is not for that month, but you are actually paying for the previous month. Could it be that your efforts for saving money on your electric bill won't be realized until you wait one more month? Also an increase in electricity rates may have happened at the same time you were trying to save? If so, that is not unusual, as I've heard others have that same situation.
I guess it all depends on the individual household's lifestyle...I admit to not being particularly conservative with my electricity (I use incandescent bulbs because I have dimmers and prefer their warm glow, etc) but my electric bill has been running about P5,000 per month. I use the AC roughly 16 hours a day.
i'm in angeles city pampanga and i used 888 KWH last month. My total bill, including all the charges, taxes, etc. final line comes to 6856 Pesos. That's 7.72P/KWH Anyone in Dumaguete that can provide how much per KWH the elctirc is just like I've done above?? Cheers, Mark
I have 5 fans running most of the time, medium refrigerator, 2 window type a/c's (seldom used) hot and cold water dispenser always on, tv mostly on, computer about 12 hours a day on standby. 3 hours a day on swimming pool pump, electric garage door opener used a few times a day, 4 outside lights all night and several small appliances. My highest bill was last month P3,613 BTW I'm in Sibulan. Ron