We were on the aircon Ceres Cebu-Dgte ride, about halfway to the boat they make a pee stop at a enclosed cr.. 2 or 3 of the passengers go inside, the driver and a few more go outside. It is the only pit stop I have seen in this area, haven't seen any on the hiway to Bayawan.
There you go, here in the west the cabbies just pee into empty plastic bottles, discarding them along the way....
Years ago on the longer bus runs here somebody would just call out they had to go and the bus driver would stop. Usually other like minded people would get down as well. The ladies went to one side of the road and the men the other.
On reading this thread it brought to mind where people of this country got the habit from. Believe it or not good old Spain !! they still do it whenever and wherever they want in Andalusia area that's a fact !! and they don't hide the fact either.
Correct! That is where I am at the Moment, San-Roque, Out side smoking only and pee up the wall while you puff away :D Jack P.
Against the wall Reminds me of an old Filipino comedy I once saw with my wife. I think it was about a Filipino kind of lost in the USA. Cop comes upon the guy relieving himself in public: "Hey, that's against the law!" Reply: "No officer, it's against the wall!"
I came to the conclusion that the Philippines has the most CR's of anywhere I have been. From what I have observed any tree, rock, or wall will do. I had to laugh when I saw a little boy about 3 years old with his parents and their friends on New Years Eve. He had to go so he just pulled his pants down beside their table and let it fly, surprising his mother. You would of thought he was a dog marking his mothers leg. )