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Question for Americans living in the Philippines on the new health care reform bill

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by reedee, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. carl

    carl DI Member

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    Is it really a good idea ?

    If socializing health care is such a great idea then why did Teddy boy and all of his cronies exempt themselves from it ? Simple question deserves a simple answer . The simple fact is , they want the best health care that is being offered now , not what Obama , Reid and Pelosi have drafted behind closed doors and are now demanding and cramming down the throats of the rest of us Americans .
  2. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

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    I you're wondering what will happen, look no further. Anybody here from Massachusetts. From what I heard and read the State of Massachusetts has this kind of state insurance. Are they happy with it? To answer that question one just need to look at the Governatorial election result. A traditional stronghold of the Democrats, they just elected a Republican governor. No it is not working. Many are disappointed that they have to wait several months to see a doctor. There's not enough to see so many people who have this "state insurance". The wait to see an OB/Gyne is about 4 months and to see an orthopedist is 6-7 months. Welcome to Socialized Medicine.... Remember Argentina.
  3. carl

    carl DI Member

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    That says it all

    Well put . Thank god ill be out of here before all goes to hell ( and it will ). This is just the first, in a large bag of tricks," Broke Back O'bummer "(Obama) has in store for this country . Wait and see .
  4. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Mandatory insurance was Romney's idea but I guess it was not appreciated.

    But did you not see who's idea it was? It was the Republican governor's idea for the state insurance to be mandatory but his mistake was not making it mandatory for the insurance companies to accept that insurance. Maybe that is why he did not make good on his run for the presidency. O Bama went along with the mandated part to try to compromise with the republicans and not one of those bums helped him out. At least with all the patriotic conservatives promising to leave the country now we will be able to correct all of the mistakes that have been made during the last presidency. That looks very promising.

    (we may need to move this thread to the expat section)
  5. carl

    carl DI Member

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    I hope your not including me in that list of patriotic consevatives . I cant stand either party . They are both bought and paid for by big business . Remember , its not of the people , by the people and for the people anymore . Its all of corporate interests , by corporate interests and for corporate interests .Obama , Bush , Clinton , Bush , Reagen , Carter etc ..... and all of their crooked pals .
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    well, it's the second time in 10 days I am closing that kind of thread. For each kind of political discussions are tons of boards all over the web and like stated in the DI-board rules, we won't be one of them.
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