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Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by chantal, Aug 22, 2009.

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  1. lin

    lin DI New Member

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    You may not agree with what chantal writes dumaguetenia, but some of what he says is based on observable facts. A number of other members agree he (or she) has raised issues that are real. Dumaguete has deteriorated over the last 10yrs and not all of it is inevitable. A lot of the current problems could be addressed if the city government had the will to do something about them.

    Your comments about Lee Plaza people crucifying chantal, running him/her over with tricycles, cannibalizing his/her body shows you probably think violence is an ok way to deal with things you don't agree with. And definitely shows there are now more violent people in Dumaguete than before. Which is another recent problem in Dumaguete, and you are clearly a part of it.
  2. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

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    For goodness sakes, how many frigging laughing icon does one need to put after a comment for anyone to realize that, haha, it is a joke. But you are right Lin, Chantal has every right to his/her/it's opinion.

    People are too sensitive. So let's talk about sensitive!

    Interesting user ID, anyway, Cyclop then Chantal, Makes you wonder how she/he/it pick this user ID.

    Ok, bear with me here. I would like to take a shot at this choice. On March 2008 a severely disfigured former school teacher petitioned the President of France to allow her to die because she can no longer live with the pain and suffering from her ever worsening nasal cancer. Her petition was denied. See picture below.

    What does she look like? Hmmmm, I would guess a Cyclop maybe? Guess what's her name.


    So if if this is the reason Chantal pick his/her user ID, I think it's pretty sick. But again that is just my wild imagination. Make your own mind. What low life would do this to another human being. I can guarantee you this, nobody from Dumaguete would.

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  3. lin

    lin DI New Member

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    Gee... you really have a weird imagination Panday Pera....
  4. Panday Pera

    Panday Pera DI Forum Adept

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    I know Lin, my imagination gets me in trouble sometimes. My imagination also tells me that you, chantal and cyclops are one and the same..isn't that weird..dang it, it's a curse.
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