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Robinson Mall in Dumaguete - Facts April 10 - 15:00

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by Rhoody, Apr 13, 2008.

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  1. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    who in their right mind hangs out at a mall when you have plenty of natural surroundings to hang out in?
    malls have all the atmosphere of the moon
    they are artificial soulless places invented my americans
    with no taste, class or sophistication.
    they are a wstern invention and shoul,d stay there
    as for tourism i think you are being naive if yyou think mass tourism helps the locals, it only helps the already rich and greedy expats
    loom at hawaii, phuket, smaui and bali etc where all ordinary locals are priced out the market to make way for rich japs and other foreigners
    the tourism right now which is low key is the only way to help locals
    once the big boys move in, its game over
  2. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    Then you have to spend a lot to travel to Cebu and Bacolod and get all the items that you want.

    *********for our daily needs I think what is in dumaguete now is enough to meet our daily needs so you dont need to travel many times far away like cebu,bacolod...When we need something special that you cannot find it in dumaguete i think thats the things that you only needs 4 times in a year so its not bad to travel cebu, bacolod for a change....

    Besides, a well-designed mall could attract more tourists and people to come to your place. You would employ more people and get the choice materials that you want for whatever project you would conceive. You would have more clients for your business. And people would have more money.

    *********What? a well designed mall can attract tourist.You think a mall is an attraction for a tourist?Tourist attraction are the natures(beach, mountains, cultures,the sea,the kind of people) but not a robinson mall.

    Which is better, to have more business or to have no business at all?

    ********who said no business at all when no robinson.

    Well, they said we should never compromise the environment. I guess these establishments have secured their environmental compliance certificates as a proof that they have not violated any law detrimental to the environment.

    *******how sure you are? this is philippines not a western country.

    But the shopping centres that we have are they well-designed? Are they nice enough as a hangout place and even spend the whole day in that area? Do they have nice theaters and entertainment centers?

    *******I don't know where you come from that you are fascinated with this well designed mall ( its like a paradise for you).You like to hang out the whole day in the MALL? the maximum i stayed in the mall was 2 hours.I even got a head ache..
  3. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    well said Daffs
    first sensible post i've seen here for a long while
    yes perhaps they should put this in all the travel brochures:
    come to Dumaguete for its famous , beaches, diving mountain trekiing and its well designed mall.
    yes sure numbers will swell then.
    what a load of tripe
    if a tourist comes because of a mall then they for sure are not the sort of tourists we want.
  4. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    I like Yabs proposal for a creative tourist/ retirees brochure.

    Come to our lovely Dumaguete with its imaginative trafic with the most colorfull and well-maintained trycicles and jeepneys.
    They bring you in no time from place A till any spot you want to visit.
    Good advice: take a long siesta so you won't meet all other tourists in the Perdices street.
    The city air is as clean as the ocean breeze, recently measured on February 30.
    You can find answers to all your wishes: from visiting the most exciting places in our remote area, cozy and excellent restaurants and for daily shopping requirements we have an excellent LP and we even have another LP for those who don't want to see the beauty of our trycilcle friendly city centre.
    We also have ........

    :D :D I was only dreaming of a nice brochure Yabs.
    Don't take it too serious because I love my Dumaguete, even with the many trycicles ...... and surely with the "coming soon :D " Robinson Mall :smile: :smile:
  5. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    for those who have a business IN DUMAGUETE or near dumaguete especially on renting places /real estate of course they like robinsons ( it means only thinking of their own good) they can benifit it , but for those people who like to have a quality living have deffirent thinking compare of this some greedy businessmen there.

    Robinson can also kill some small local businesses around, especially for those who are selling some small staffs that can be get in robinsons, because people will left them away and go to robinsons.Many of us like to have something more what we have , some like robinsons but we also have to think, that this things must be in proportion.When all of this establishments is in a very small city, dumaguete is not anymore something special, its even ugly than in cebu because cebu is big and they have the capacity to put this establishments but dumaguete is just small and want to be like this big cities (I can laugh about it).With this delayed construction of robinson there ( with many ??????????)is even alraedy a BAD OMEN.
  6. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Wow...!!?? You seem to be a bit testy? Why would you type like that? All those caps will wear out your keyboard and burn up your computer screen faster ya know. Also, if we all live by your opinion, you may end up living in a ghost town...with a fancy new mall mind ya, but nonetheless, a ghost town. So, maybe you could let us live there and, ...I know this is a difficult concept for you...but...you could let us little people have just a little leeway to express our own opinions once in awhile..and the rest of the tiime we will be your robots. Would that meet with your approval?
  7. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    I know my wife would be happy to have a nice big ol' mall in Dumaguete and would probably go there at least a couple times a week to do her window shopping...and then go to a stall at the market to buy her clothes. For me, I hope they continue building this mall at the same rate of speed as they have thus far, because by time the mall is finished we will all be long dead from old age and our grandchildren will be close to retiring. So, I'm not too worried about this mall opening anytime soon. But hey, thats' just my two cents worth.
  8. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

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    Robinsons will open middle of next year? Oh boy, I could hardly wait to see it and the smiling faces of people queuing to shop. I'll be there for sure.:smile:
  9. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Well Swany, don't forget to stop by and pick up my wife. The little aussie would love it. Plus, the big bonus, I wouldn't have to go with her. :smile: :D :p
  10. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

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    Oh, tfa1957, don't you like to shop with your wife? Be careful she is going to buy the whole Robinsons, hehehe. :smile::smile::D Well, I'll pick her up if I'm in Dumaguete on time for the grand opening.
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