Dumaguete Info Search


Discussion in '☋ Diving and Marine Life ☋' started by ecelle, Apr 29, 2010.

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  1. King_Kano

    King_Kano DI New Member

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    Not For Children Even If The Like It

    For clarification, the original question was, is the Philippines, safe for children, and it is not....The topic was not about what kids prefer....Kids prefer junk food over healthy food, however, it is the parents responsibility to provide a clean, safe, and healthy environment for their children....I never said what the children prefer....My post was from a child protective point of view....My natural daughter loves splash mountain, at Disneyland, I refuse to ride it...I like the submarine ride....At least one person has been killed on splash mountain....No one has died on the submarine ride...Is that better? Did that add some clarification? You need to understand what the gal was asking....She was asking, Is the area safe for more than one child, she brought up, biracial, which means nothing, there, but she should not bring the kids....My friends that I mentioned, have extensive military and law enforcement background, special forces, and they have lived in PHI, collectively, for over 50 years, have worked side by side with both the federal and some local police, and I will be returning, to retire, and live full time, because I have 6 adopted Filipino babies who need a father....As a side note, one adopted daughter is only 5 years old, and she was attacked and bitten by a dog, in one of the sweetest and nicest hoods in the Comval province, of Mindanao....Now, true, it happens in Kanosville, as well, but we have a population of what? Over 300 million people? And true, my other 5 babies, have never been bit, however in PHI, you die from dog bites....Here in the USA, you need to be killed by a bit-bull, but I can go on all day on the common sense side of this....And maybe you are more savvy than most people....Your kids may prefer it to Disneyland, but you are the parent and are experienced, and you have been lucky, and luck does prevail as king in the PHI....I find it irresponsible to recommend children to the Philippines, until the adults are aware of what needs to learned....I also noticed, all you disagreed with was that your kids liked it??? Kids love to fire guns, firecrackers, as well....What about the other 98.9% of my post? No complaints there? You cannot disagree with my post, and endorse children to make adult choices and not the rest of the post....Another suggestion....Make sure you register with the US, Embassy website, for travelers, and read the travel warnings, for the Philippines, but make sure you fully register, leave a copy of everything you have about your whereabouts, such a passports, itinerary, and a short paragraph of where you will be staying, phone number and all....Anyone who wishes to disagree, fine post, but I can see this web page is just for the promotion of business, not the safety of children's lives....By the way, I hear hiking along the Iranian border is beautiful this time of year....I know of a few people who loved it so much, they extended their stay in Iran....Even their mothers loved it so much, they stayed a few days as well....Sort of a family vacation.
  2. gmcvandura

    gmcvandura DI Member

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    Isnt that a 3rd world country, is a country that dont have electricity, running water, telephone, internet, no air, sea, land transportation, university, hospital. etc,etc. can you please explaine to me.. Im lost...

    Atleast i still have a religion, rather than scientology, or etheistlogy.. For my 18th century family value, atleast I know whos my father, mother, grand father, great grand mother, and cousins. unlike new family values, they dont know who is who, they end up inbreeding..

    Yes I remember that. in 1968 when americans recruite pilipinos for their Navy, and nurses. They give a very very hard Exams, as they say. I remember almost 90% passed the exam.. So now, im confused again.

    Im sorry,I did not know that you are targeted as a Kano in the Philippines. I thought it was the whole WORLD. Im sorry again..

    Again in the U.S.A. there are more missing children than in P.I., More Child Molesting, More Shooting in school. Cleveland Elementary shooting 2 dead,Cleveland school shooting 6 dead, Columbine High School 13 dead, Virginia Tech. shooting 32 dead.. theres a lot of sick people there. so i dont know. you decide what to do...
  3. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Nope, a 3rd world country is one in which old men can hook up with much younger women. The Philippines still applies. :D
  4. gmcvandura

    gmcvandura DI Member

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    In that case, The whole world is a third world country...heheheh.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    +1,465 / 822
    Sure, there are characteristics of third world in every country.

    I propose a test...

    Find 50 foreigners around town with a girlfriend or wife with an age gap of 35+ years (the woman being the younger of the two.) Have these guys go back to their original locations (where they were born or have spent most of their working lives) and have them find another girl with a similar age gap to be his girlfriend or wife. Give him twice as much time as it took to find a girl here in the Philippines. Let's see which percentage are successful.

    Sure, Hugh Heffner can do it, but most foreigners here are no Hugh Heffner. Although, some try to be the poor man's version of Hugh in the Philippines. :D

    Anyways, it was just a joke, and when you have to explain the joke it's no longer funny. I don't care that these things happen here, but it makes for great comedy sometimes.
  6. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0
    Well, it works probably in each country where you give "your new love" a "hello" present with the value of here yearly income or higher and they REALLY love you if you spend each day about her monthly income for "small shopping" for her, excluding lunch, dinner and hotel...
  7. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,205 / 239
    and thought this section was all about fish.....
    Just goes to show how wrong we all can be....."Money cant buy love" ( true love )

    3rd World Country ? Manila has more skyscrapers than Liverpool UK !
    Try finding a CR in a shopping mall in England !!!!
  8. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Programmer, Photographer and Web Developer
    Florida and Dumaguete
    +73 / 5
    Not necessarily!

    Actually the definitions 3rd world etc. have nothing to do with the above. From nationsonline.org:

    The use of the terms First, the Second, and the Third World is a rough, and it's safe to say, outdated model of the geopolitical world from the time of the cold war.
    There is no official definition of the first, second, and the third world.

    The term "First World" refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after World War II, with more or less common political and economic interests: North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia.

    "Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, (formerly the Eastern bloc, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic) today: Russia, Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) and some of the Turk States (e.g., Kazakhstan) as well as China.

    "Third World" are all the other countries, today often used to roughly describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
    The term Third World includes as well capitalist (e.g., Venezuela) and communist (e.g., North Korea) countries, as very rich (e.g., Saudi Arabia) and very poor (e.g., Mali) countries.

    As we can surmise these terms origins are more political than practical. Just because they have incomes, hospitals, and vote does not make a country the equivalent of what is found in North America. Once you venture outside of your world you will learn this. :eek:
  9. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0
    I guess the "political correct" term is development-country.

    hmmm, somehow that does not fit to the PI also, unless "backwards" is included :wink:
  10. King_Kano

    King_Kano DI New Member

    Trophy Points:
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    A lot of definitions are being tossed around here, which have nothing to do with the topic, again....I am not here to put the Philippines, people, in a Western cubbyhole....I have just as many dislikes about the west, who should be leading the world, not going down the toilet, along with them....This is why I have chosen to retire in the Philippines, it is the future of America....If you look around parts of the Philippines, then some of the developing towns and cities of America, you will see similarities....True, I have no choice but to retire on the Philippines, since I now adopted, unofficially, 2 additional babies to father, in real life, not in yahoo chat....Now, a total of 8....Having said that, the lady asked if it was safe to bring children to Dumaguete, which COULD be, according to my friends there, and here, I still say no....Dumaguete, is one of the better places there in the Islands....Remember, she is Filipina, so she already knows the answer, or she would not have asked, and had an additional concern, and that was biracial children....Rumor has it, she may wish to live in PHI, full time....That is a problem, since children in the Philippines, are how we say, brutally honest....They tease, relentlessly, and it is part of the culture and perhaps good....Why is it good to allow your child to come home crying? Well, in PHI, your child, by age 4, will be washing dishes, as my daughter in Mindanao does, helping with the laundry, which is washed by hand, clean house, do homework, and helping in other ways, plus, taking 2 to 4 sponge-bath type showers per day....If you tease an American kid, he, or she kills themselves....In the Philippines, they get tough, and tease back....The Philippines, is not a developing country, yet, it is third world, and I wish not to say why....There are millions of good people there, who wish things would improve but how? Everything you do there to improve the place, is foreign owned, so looked down on, or pisses someone off, cause of hiya, (Loosing face)....The Filipinas, are doing their best to educate themselves, however, state colleges are worthless in the international market, so it is difficult to be hired in good paying jobs there and, school fees rose last year, 30%....To get a real university education, you are looking at 55,000.00P to 90,000.00P....In buying power, that is 10 times what we pay here....Good universities here, in the US, are only 15,000usd to 65,000.00usd, which all figures are a years salary, for one person, just for comparison; however, 55K pesos to 90K Pesos, in the Philippines, is a lifetime of money, which means what? You got it....Only the wealthy are allowed to go to real schools, or girls who are willing to perform cam work, or prostitution, and that's what the government wants....I will leave it at that....Again, the original question was, is it safe, to bring children to Dumaguete, and I will say, no, my friends say, could be, and for living full time, for adults, it is great, but for kids, better than Manila, or anywhere on Luzon island....Remember, a city is a city, regardless of where....Dumaguete, is a great palace, because it is closer to the real Philippines, so don't expect good schools....You need to be on Cebu Island for that, second choice, Leyte Island....Again, original question was, is it safe for children, and the answer is no by me and could be, by my friends....She may do better living there full time, but a Kano kid, is always a Kano kid, even if born of Filipino parents....Biracial, from Atlanta?
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