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Sea Snake

Discussion in '☋ Diving and Marine Life ☋' started by logicwings, Feb 22, 2008.

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  1. rechel

    rechel DI Forum Adept

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    its so long time never been wet

    long time never been wet,,, in going diving,,,, its so much fun, i love it so much,,, i feel im mermaid not maid he!!!he!!! :p.. last Saturday 23 of this monht i've been swimming in Dauin north... i go snurkling for so long that i get sun born... but i enjoy it.. i saw a lot of fishes,, and colorfull corals that i missed to see for so long, since we move to far to the beach... when im soon to stop snurkling i saw laticuda.. the black and white sea snake.. not agreesive.. looks tired i just stop and watch him just observing what he want to do more.. as a diver dont touch and teas animals be safe diver.. i saw also group of buterfly fish and but the small sea christmas tree worm get my attention they hide when i swimming and passing them....
  2. OP

    logicwings DI Member

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    Yesterday near the same place where I encountered the sea snake, a young lady was snorkeling in shallow water, grass and rocks. A sea snake came toward her with mouth open. She removed her snorkel and started screaming. I was not there to witness this event.

    The other day a 28 year old spear fisherman drown near the Bato pier, his body was recovered by scuba divers in 70 feet of water.

    Yesterday afternoon I snorkled from the Bato pier to my house. I saw 8 sea snakes. All were 20 to 30 feet depth.

    Maybe I should not use my prescription googles, at least I will not be able to see them.

    I wonder what evasive action should be taken in case a very aggressive snake wanders to close. Last time I used turbo fins.
  3. tubigboy

    tubigboy DI Forum Adept

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    Do your Wally Gator impression! That should work. See ya later Wally Gator!
  4. OP

    logicwings DI Member

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    Many year ago I was snorkeling off the coast of Southern Italy, the day was sunny and hot. To my front I saw a huge jelly fish, I looked to my right and another one appeared. A few moments later another one came to my left, now there were three. Several more came around me, I was now surrounded by many of these creatures maybe 10. I could not turn around or go forward, we drifted, they were enclosing me, I decided must get out of here.

    I took a huge gulp of air and dove straight down, maybe 10 feet and then leveled off, not seeing any jelly fish I started to kick, blistering through the water and surfaced. Saw the shoreline and headed for it.

    I wondered what were these jelly fish were up to, did they have a plan to get me?
  5. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I guess the Jelly's wanted to play pool with you, after they killed a lasing spear-fisherman who wanted to safe the girl from the famous open-mouth sea snake.

    serious, I have seen hundreds, if not thousands of sea snakes, and not one of them was aggressive. You should also ask the lady what color the lips of the sea snake was. Cause to see the open mouth of a sea-snake it must be fairly close, and it is no joke with the lips color, we have them here with black or white/yellowish lips. on the pictures are 2 different kinds, sorry, 2 are not very focused but the different lips are good to see.
    sorry I don't believe that story

    There are also false sea-snakes in our waters here and you see the difference mainly in the head shape. In seagras areas are also plenty of eals during daytime, they also move like sea snakes and plenty of my divers thought there are sea-snakes...



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  6. OP

    logicwings DI Member

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    Ive seen the eels n I've seen the sea snakes. There is a difference in appearance. It's true the drowning of the fishermen, a diver told me he had an heart attack.

    The story of the screaming girl must be true, cause Filipinas never lie, right?
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I believe the spearfisher (even I don't believe the herart-attack and how the diver should know that).
    I also believe the screaming girl, but the reason might be that she recognised that she missed WOWOWEE, hehe. Our lovely girls here scream when Tom gets a slap from Jerry the mouse...


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