So millions of sim cards to be registered within 6 months of Dec 27th.
This is the Philippines - so what could go wrong?
Some people finding after registration that their sim cards get cut off is one guess.
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
the rep registered me on her tablet and since one of my sims is for a modem, i had to put that sim in my fone in order to get the one time password (OTP). if done at home online with the unregistered sim in my modem, the OTP would of been sent to my modem dashboard.-
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Based on observation and conversation, many if not most people in this province do not have a valid ID. In my opinion what will happen is 1 person per family clan will get all the phones registered in their name (20 or 30 if needed).
Maybe the person gets an extra 50 or 100 php for helping.
Same for the slums and shanty towns, the sari sari store owner can use their info.
If something comes up then the excuse of either the account was hacked (already a default for many) or the phone was lost.
Still, very little accountability.
Furthermore, the cybercrime unit for this province is understaffed and lacking technology to their job.
I have met with them, if they can identify a case worthy of going to court, then they send the info to Manilla to find the IP and confirm the identity of the user (even if the person used their real name on social media).
If Manilla follows up they will send the info back to Duma.
Even the detective agreed that cases outside NCR go to the bottom of the pile with no date to be reviewed.
This law, like so many others, simply allows for politicians to feel good and say they did something, then put the responsibility on tlecom companies, and nothing actually changes.
Consider- remember the road clearing in 2019 and all the news it has. Where is that now- vendors are right back to being on the roads.-
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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So they Lied AGAIN, we were told that August was the deadline to register NOW, they have changed tack and made the deadline April 26 th.
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I was wondering about that too! x 1
Just done registration of my 2 numbers with Globe. It was immediately confirmed through text mssg by Globe.
As a foreigner with ACR 13 A you need copy/picture of your passport, a selfie picture, copy/picture of your ACR 13 A card (front side only), copy/picture of proof of your address (any current Bill with your name and address will do). Make sure that each file size is not bigger then 2 MB. If you use your cellphone to photo the requirements and the file is bigger then 2 MB, crop them much down as possible to go below 2 MB. But be careful with the ID's, the ID's must be in full size, just crop them without any part of the ID. Make sure, if you make pictures of the requirements, that they are not blurry. Before you upload your Passport, there is a field above it to fill in your Passport Nr.. Before you submit the form, you need to check the Globe agreement, just check the required boxes, not the optional. When ask for your Phone Nr. in the field with the 63 already filled in, enter your Phone Nr. without the 0. Hope, that helps.
Here is the link to the Globe Registration:
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I got a sim card yesterday. They just took details of my passport and I was on my way in a few minutes.
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I registered mine as a Filipino. I didn't notice until recently but my drivers license says I'm Filipino for some reason. Sometimes government incompetence works in your favor.
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