Dumaguete sub divisions I live in Casa Alicia sub division. Next door is El Pueblo. Both are gated, well patrolled and very safe. The only people attacked here (and it is almost nil for the last year or so) are (some, not many) stupid westerners who flash cash around when they come out of the banks. Jeremy
Wow. I have been planning my move to Dumaguete for many months and have reached a point where there is no turning back as I have already relocated my fiance there. I have heard over and over "The City of Gentle People" and been told how safe it is in general. Now I see many posts commenting on the high crime rate and inadequacies of the police force.:( What's the real scoop? I had no intention of even considering a gated community and was simply gonna rent a nice apartment. But I certainly don't want to get cleaned out of my possessions or worse yet, feel uncomfortable being out around town for fear of being robbed. I can have that unpleasantness right here in the U.S.
I live in Dumaguete. I can assure you this is one of the most crime free towns in the Philippines. It is so crime free that just the slightest crime here becomes big news. That is why you are hearing about it. Crime in other places is so common place that nobody reacts. Here they do. So come on down and see for yourselves. Jeremy
Thanks for your good thoughts. I stayed in Dumaguete for a month and that was how it seemed to me. Not one time did I feel at risk. But the other posts got me wondering if I was just lucky and am simply as dense as my Americano ex has accused me of, lol. See you all on the Blvd in January!
Hi poolbum if you make friends with your neigbours they will look out for you and help you. I found the people very good and dumaguete is safe, most crime happens very late at night or the early hours of the morning , so best not to walk alone at these times, same as any town or city in the world.