Dumaguete Info Search


Discussion in '☋ Tourist Information ☋' started by Dong, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. derivative_guru

    derivative_guru DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    If you are planning to live in Dumaguete City, then it would probably make more sense to stay in a hotel that is in town and more centrally located. Dauin is approximately 18 kms South of the city. It's a hub for dive resorts.

    Having said that, many foreigners prefer living in the outlying towns rather than Dumaguete City itself. Mostly it depends on your lifestyle preferences and needs. One factor may be that all the private schools are in the City. So, if a daily school commute isn't something you are prepared to stomach, living in the city may be the best option.
  2. OP

    Dong DI Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Well, I'm not sure about where we want to live.

    My wife is a college student, and Dumaguete seems like it has plenty of good Universities she could transfer to, and also nice beaches. I lived on Oahu for years, and really love the ocean. It's important to me for our kids to grow up near nice beaches, and reefs, and also get a good education, so Dumaguete is now at the top of my list.

    I had been planning a trip to check out Puerto Princesa Palawan, but decided to visit Dumaguete first, after reading more on this forum.

    I would rather visit alone first, and just rough it in a hostel, while getting to know the area before bringing the wife and kids.


    My wife threw a fit, and insisted on missing school, to travel along. She's usually real easy going, but when she decides to make a point, no use trying to argue.

    I guess I'm trying too hard to make a plan. Might as well just go with the flow, and have fun on our first visit.
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