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The Big Robinson Dumaguete Poll

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by Rhoody, Apr 19, 2008.


The Big Robinson Dumaguete Poll

  1. Yes, I am living here(part or the full time) and want more shopping options movie-theaters/cultur

    4 vote(s)
  2. No,I am living here(part or the full time) and like Duma like it is, I go to other cities if needed

    4 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I will never visit Dumaguete anyway

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes, I come for a holiday and it is nice to have more restaurants and places to hang out with friend

    1 vote(s)
  5. No, I come for a holiday and chose Dumaguete because of the sleepy relaxed flair

    0 vote(s)
  6. sorry, I am not sure if I like or not

    0 vote(s)
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  1. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    don't take it seriously yabs (when robinsons is in dgte.)...philippines have 7,107 islands (i hope i'm not wrong), just research it carefully then you will find many beautiful places in Philippines aside from duma.
  2. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    don't take it seriously yabs (when robinsons is in dgte.)...philippines have 7,107 islands (i hope i'm not wrong), just research it carefully then you will find many beautiful places in Philippines aside from duma.
  3. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    It took me a long time travelling to find my own utopia in Asia
    Dumaguete fits the bill
    small town with character but with enough facilities without being commercial
    it is perfect for me
    If people want more commercialisation they have MANY MANY other p[laces to choose from
    most people come to Dumaguete to get away from all that b*llsh*it so i think its selfish for them to impose it on other people
    if you want diving but with commercilaisation and western styles
    then go to the carribean, PHUket, Bali, samui etc etc etc
    Dumaguete was unique in that it doesn't cater to the down market taste
    of the average expat and low class tourist
    I have encountered many travellers in Dumaguete who feel the same way
    and have vowed never to return after the Robinsons is built
    Dumagvuete fills an aleternative niche for tourists by providing soemthing a bit different
    a pleasant backwater really but if that changes then many tourists who did come will move away
  4. OP

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Maybe you looked very hard, but you forgot to analyze that what you have seen...

    Thinking a city like Dumaguete, a very honored University and Domestic Airport, Seaport outstanding countryside and world-class diving plus many many more benefits in the central Visayas, very easy to reach will stay like it was is a little bit... to be polite... naive..

  5. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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    Rhoody...you hit it right in the middle of the nail !
    Yabsy Yabsy..... I pitty with you .....
    I rather prefer to drink a beer with you than arguing about who has the right to stay in Dumaguete and who has to leave that city. :wink:
    As I read your critics ...... it's yap (not to use the #b*sh#t signs) Yabs :D

    (Quoted:smile: If people want more commercialisation they have MANY MANY other p[laces to choose from. most people come to Dumaguete to get away from all that b*llsh*it so i think its selfish for them to impose it on other people (Unquoted:smile:

    Who is selfish here ? Who is trying to impose ?
    Cool down and stop repeating every time the same things.
    You believe someone will leave Dumaguete because you advise them to do so ?
    Again...naive .... also in my perception.
  6. dgterunner

    dgterunner DI New Member

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    I voted No! :smile:

    All of you are correct. :D

    When I was 9 yrs old I used to play and swim in the City Bay front- our famous boulevard. It used to be a family day to every Dumagueteños every late afternoon.

    The Rizal Boulevard is more the same except the added vibrant night life. But at day time…more and more people are coming in to shop, people coming from the other side of Cebu. With the Roll-on, Roll-off program people from Mindanao will be visiting Dumaguete – shoppers and for medical purposes.

    Today I am 37, with the same Dumagueteño attitude who is not “mindful” despite of the 5 big academic institutions supposedly to educate us to care for the environment. It took 35 years for me to realize I was not mindful too.
    I am not anti-progress or specifically malls. I voted NO because we are not prepared and our politicians are not ready to have such big jump.:(

    I was studying in Saint Louis High School and sold it to Don Bosco in 1987. The Dumaguete Business Park where the Robinson is located was a rice field and a wetland down to the beach. When they started the contract for a 2-story building the developer has a hard time putting up the foundations because it is a wetland – soft. Delayed on its target and few million losses they agreed to make it a 3-story mall – new paper and money works – delayed again. I don’t know if they solve the soft thing. :confused:

    For those who are planning to a have a Small/Medium Enterprise (SME’s) please apply now to cut the Robinsons delay.:p

    Wet land is important aspect to the environment- it is a natural barriers to salt water intrusion – I hope there are some expert who can explain more.

    At back of the concrete fence near the cockpit people are experiencing floods because the natural drainage – the wetland are now closed.

    Dumaguete City has many good laws but not implemented properly that make my concerns.

    I will only vote YES! If Dumagueteños will become mindful. Check out what we did with our only river and source of water - “Banica River”:rolleyes:
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  7. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    Thank yo very much,that there is a dumaguetenio who can really expose the TRUTH about the condition of dumaguete now (especially with this robinsons building)...As I know and i explain before putting big establishments in dgte. is not a "joke"
    ... but I cannot really explain it so much because I'm not living there, but now I beleive you 200% .I even did not know that just only this building site alraedy destroying the living of other people ++++ as what you said :At back of the concrete fence near the cockpit people are experiencing floods because the natural drainage – the wetland are now closed""""

    i have to say i more felt bad about this!!!!!!....:mad:
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    high rise buildings on wet lands, on the salty corrosive environment,
    asking for problems and already got them..

  9. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    I understand you yabs as I’m also against of big establishments in dumaguete , i only give that advice because if we don’t have a choice anymore of this “boom and doom“ in dumaguete will go on and on….. (as you know when powerful corrupt politician and powerful businessmen will go hand in hand ,voice of “ little people” is just nothing in Philippines, Its hard to accept but that’s the truth).I thought giving you that advised can give you a sort of an alternative.But I know you are a person with principles and have a taste……so I just leave it to you what you will do next after dumaguete.good luck…:smile:
  10. ReBelBiKeR

    ReBelBiKeR DI Member

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    just a random question: why Robinson? why not the SM brand of supermalls?
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