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"The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens"

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by Teacher, Sep 17, 2008.

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  1. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    The most important question facing the world today is whether the U.S. is already crippled by the estimated $2 trillion cost of financing the Iraq occupation can afford to continue its global role. The historical precedent is far from encouraging. After the 1929 crash, the U.S. turned in on itself, resorting to protectionism. It re-engaged with the world only after the attack by Japan at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. It is too early to say for sure, but it is possible that America is at a similar turning point in its history again. President Bush’s decision to pour taxpayers’ money into so many bankrupt financial institutions has led to an explosion of U.S. national debt which will be hugely exacerbated by yesterday’s move in Washington. As a result, U.S. global creditworthiness is in jeopardy, and it is likely that at some stage over the next decade the dollar will lose its unchallenged status as the world’s reserve currency. There are signs that this process has already begun. For this weakening of the currency was the fate of sterling in the economic crisis of the 1930s. Indeed, the subsequent decision to take the pound off the Gold Standard in 1931 marked the effective end of the British Empire. America’s global dominance already threatened by the emergence of rival economic powers such as China may soon be coming to its end. The U.S. will probably retreat inwardly, becoming isolationist, at any rate temporarily opening the way to a new and even more menacing global order. The world that will emerge from the Great Crash of 2008, therefore, will be dark and unpredictable. In today’s globalized world, it is increasingly evident that the current international system of treaties, alliances, and loose confederations simply are ineffective and unable to provide a positive future for the well-being of humanity. The idea of world government is returning to the mainstream of scholarly thinking about international relations. While some scholars envision a more formal world state, and others argue for a much looser system of "global governance," You can group them together into the broader category of "world government"—a school of thought that supports the creation of international authority (or authorities) that can tackle the global problems that nation-states currently cannot. So are we facing an Apocalypse or a new world order? Or maybe it is just time for a cold and never mind?
  2. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    Maybe. We're entering the cold and flu season in the US.

    I agree with most of your conclusions although I could challenge you a bit on the historical cause and effect. Nevertheless, I think it's correct to see the parallels between the Great Depression of the 1930s and what is happening now. It should be obvious to everyone that even if these politicians had opened a history book at some point they didn't understand it. I've been saying for years that a power shift is taking place. The US must contract and Asia will increase. There is room for some optimism as world power will most likely be shared between several nations rather than dominated by one or two as it has been so far.
  3. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Ah Sorry

    Sorry I meant to say COLD ONE AND NEVER MIND :eek:
  4. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Global Taxation And Tax Harmonization

    The first mention of global taxation is in the book of Luke in the New Testament when Caesar Augustus decreed that "all the world should be taxed." The only other recognizable world empire since Rome which spans the world is the United Nations birthed in 1945. What we are seeing currently is the move toward global taxation and tax harmonization between the nation-states.:confused:
  5. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Does The Global Economy Need A Global Currency?

    This question was the topic of a high-level meeting called to order by Nobel Prize economist Robert Mundell in late June. These intimate gatherings of the world's leading financial and economic thinkers was the 10th such meeting with the first held in 1971, three weeks after President Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard.
    Those debating the need for a world currency reason that if the euro can replace the franc, mark and lira, then why can't a new world currency merge the dollar, euro and yen. They include former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former Argentine Finance Minister Domingo Cavallo, currency-board guru Steve Hanke from Johns Hopkins University, and former Israeli Central Bank head, Dr. Jacob Frenkel.
    OKay now it time for a very cold beer... LOL starting to feel like a reporter I have to stop this:cool:

    But after looking in to the earth is but one country and mankind are it's citizens issue. I think there is a world goverment it called the Central banks they control the money therefore they control the goverments and us. strange but true.
  6. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." - Thomas Paine

    I completely agree with the above words. Putting your faith in a large, central government is an invitation to overwhelming evils. Yet, this is the eventual result of "democracy" as the masses will vote for socialism.
    It's reminiscent of the Christian Bible account of the Israelites insistence to exchange their tribal judicial system for rule by a king so they could be like the other nations. They got their wish and paid dearly.
    We got off to a pretty good start in this country but it's all gone now.
  7. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    What is going on?

    Welcome to the debt based slave state of America in 2008. It is all symbolic of how the globalists have America right where they want it, and are eager to finish it off. As the dollar continues losing strength, what will this mean to the world? As with the Argentina currency collapse a few years ago, so will the American dollar collapse likewise. However, the collapse of the US dollar is going to have much greater impact on the global economy and international political landscape than the collapse of the Argentinean peso ever did. The collapse of the dollar will reduce America to third world status, and it's people into chaos. Yet even as the dollar slides downwards towards collapse, many refuse to believe that it is possible for something like this to happen today. But look at Washington Mutual, the giant lender that came to symbolize the excesses of the mortgage boom, was seized by federal regulators on Thursday night, in what is by far the largest bank failure in American history. The US Government is in a bind. If they lift interest rates to try and support the dollar, it will increase the size of the US budget deficit, plus the likelihood that the economy would go into a tailspin. The level of personal and corporate debt in the USA is now so high, that a sudden increase in interest rates would likely bring about an economic collapse. Either way, America is in deep trouble. What we could experience is a run on the US dollar, until it becomes completely worthless. There have been collapses of currencies throughout history. A recent example has been the collapse of the German Mark in 1923. At that time, the German economy was saddled in massive external debts, plus was being forced to repay war reparations. America is in a similar position today, as the world’s largest debtor nation. Let’s have a look to what happened to the German currency in the 1920’s. At the outbreak of WWI, the German Mark was going for 4.20 to the dollar, at the end of the war, the mark was 4.80 to one US dollar, at the end of 1919, it was 42 marks to the dollar. By Dec 1923 it had fallen to 4.2 trillion marks to one dollar. The German people suffered severely during this time, and it set the stage for the rise of Hitler to power. What took 3 years to lead up to the collapse of the German economy would only take 3 weeks today, with the speed money is able to be transferred from one country to another. The collapse of the US dollar would remove America as a global power. There is now a shift of the balance of power from North America to Europe.:confused:
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Never mind Teach eh, Asia will be the Global Economic power leaders,
    you/Americans can always work for peso's in Asia, OOPS you are already there. lol.
  9. OP

    Teacher DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Don't think so

    The Asian economies will also be severely affected by the collapse of the American dollar. Not only do these economies depend upon the US market for revenue from much of their exports, but they also hold substantial reserves in US dollars. The Chinese and Japanese banking systems would collapse, their dollar holding evaporating, and the high debt levels of Chinese corporations will cause a massive wave of bankruptcies.
    The Euro will become the preferred currency of choice around the world, providing the Europeans with even greater political influence than the US has today.
    Oh I make Taiwan Dollars better than peso's
  10. Coyotes

    Coyotes DI Forum Adept

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    what a thought, Germany and France dictating world policy, i can't see it though, i'd say russia will be a controlling policy maker as more and more energy resources are being exported to Europe from Russia and we have just seen how they can stamp authority on a situation
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