I'd like to take my ex-gf to the states. Just show her around, give her a taste of travel. Does anyone have experience trying to help a friend get a tourist visa to the states? I've always assumed it was impossible, or so much of a hassle that it may just as well be impossible. But I thought someone here might know. Thanks in advance!
Mission Impossible! Does your XGF own property in her name, age 35 -40 or older, professional employment and a lot of money in the bank she have a 1% chance but it is very slim if not impossible to get a tourist visa. Been there, Done that, many tries and cries....IMPOSSIBLE! Benjamin
YOU can't help her, other than with emotional support and information. She must stand on her own through the process. She must have very strong ties, home ownership, fat bank accounts, business, etc. The younger she is the more difficult it will be. If she is over 50 and has all of the above, no problem! Larry
Young, no savings, no property, works in a department store. Yeah, I figured it wasn't possible. Too bad. Thanks for the confirmation.
Dodong, I gave up trying to get one for my wife, and she has a house and bank account in her name. Check former posts, particularly those from Shadow, on this subject. Homeland Security changed the way we live forever, thanks to f*#@&g 911.
Go to Mexico and cross the border there....Just cross at the Obama route and they will greet you on the US side for your vote next election. :-( 911 doesn't seem to have made it to that location yet.. Lack of border patrol due to Obama. Just an idea for your girlfriend thats the weakest point intering the US. Alan
7/11 :o You know something, I feel more than a little Sad, that this 1 (one) event has had such an impact on the world. It changed the way that WE (the Western World) viewed Entry to our home countries, SHE is your wife (or Husband) for Goodness sake AND yet here we are in the PI and ALL are still welcome for at least 21 days on a recognised Passport. Makes you wonder does it NOT! just who has it right? Jack P.
No so easy as all that. Most all flights to Mexico require a US transit visa, which is just as hard for filipinos to get as a tourist visa! Larry