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US Dollar vs Philippine Peso

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by lostinterpreter, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    The biggest conflict which we started and NOT over 9/11. Had we stayed with the response to that, we would have had the world behind us.

    And it is the first time ever that tax cuts have come during war, and these tax cuts were for the rich, so yes, we'll be in his debt forever, or at least for many years (or generations) to come.
  2. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    I know it's easy to blame politicians for all the woes as they take on big roles and responsibilities of making big decisions and running this country,in some respects I agree with you in this,many are bulls*** too. But I will also mention the rule of the Church (R .Catholic church ) and aspects of character of many filipinos that made their lives worse of .If you noticed more of the affluents are of chinese origin or from early european origins coming to this country.Perhaps it has to do with attitudes and outlooks of the majority of the people and making decisions how to run their lives .

    I have seen really poor filipinos who had this opportunity to make life better but they can't be bothered or have creative minds to do something for themselves and improved there lifestyle .If there are millions of like minded types who just love to sit down waiting for divine miracles to happen to them , living themselves in comfort from outpours of donations from OFW sisters, brothers ,fathers etc ,and the receiving end remain so lazy not moving a finger ,(can't see it as an opportunity ,infact some are on drinking and drugs,i am speaking of a few neighbors) instead
    of doing rather something better and positive ,they are doing the complete opposite ...there seem faint prospects for the future .Time comes life will get caught back again in the same cycle of poverty ,because of the failure to break the cycle.
  3. Viper58

    Viper58 DI New Member

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    Cost of PI Peso vs US Dollar

    Back in 1981 when I came to the Philippines to get married to my filipina bride, the cost of the peso was only P8 to the US dollar. Of course, that was when Marcos was still in power and Reagon was the US president. Back then, I thought that P8 to the doolar was good stuff. Oh how uneducated I was about money. As of about a year ago or so, it was still about P50 or so to the dollar. Now it is P41 and slowly dropping. Now that I'm considerably older; better off financially; still married to the same filipina; and will retire in 8-10 years; still a bargain the way I see it. That's my 2 centavos worth. Viper58
  4. ronin

    ronin DI Member

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    ole wretched one,

    i apologize for my offensiveness in response to the previous post. as a new member though, i continue to read posts by members crowing and pissing on taking their sly shots at America. I can not say i agree with the decisions made by politicians creating the environment we currently have to deal with....but as someone who has been actively involved in this conflict, seen young men and women disfigured and killed in this war, watched one too many of our current generation come home in a box and consoled distraught family members about the loss of their loved ones, i do not care to stand by and listen to such dribble. if members here do not like the US, thats they're prerogative, I just notice no one else rambling on about other countries. there seems to be no open season on Canada, Australia, Great Britian or any other country currently engaged in this conflict. i mean, who could honestly be mad at Canada....what have they done recently?

    there seems to be a focus only on the US or Filipino governemnts here. maybe some members would like to discuss Chinese human rights abuses, or Mr. Chavez attempt to corrupt the Venezulian political system to make him President for Life or how about President Mushariff's establishment of state of emergency in Pakistan in order to consolidate power after his shaky victory which was challenged by the people...how about the coup in Thailand to overthrow the elected President...while we're at it no one has mentioned the abusive use of power by the military leader of BURMA against their own people.....BUT, maybe the US has become the great Satan in many people's eyes. I guess everyone has to have an enemy and someone to bash at their convenience as maybe it makes them feel better about themselves to spout anti-american rhetoric on a message board established to promote Dumaguete. Posts by member RHB continue to shock me that someone could spew such political BS and believe themselves to be right. (US is going to invade Iran just to deny the Chinese oil).

    Again, i'm sorry; i find alot of good information here from seasoned board members but i'm quickly learning that this is also a forum to spout conspiracy theory and air personal political BS and rhetoric. maybe best to limit my participation. good day.
  5. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    To apologize in advance means nothing.
    In the first place, you'll notice that most of the people here are either from the Philippines or U.S., so it's natural that most of the discussion, and therefore criticism, will focus on them. Secondly, it is mainly the U.S. leading the pack in Iraq, and was absolutely the U.S. who created the invasion.

    If you want to start a dialogue on Chavez (thank God the people finally said "no" to that putz) or China (thanks a lot, Nixon- now China is a powerhouse and still keeps its people down as much as ever) or, for that matter Burma, Sudan or whatever, we'll discuss them. But don't you ever say I'm against the U.S. (Bush is not the U.S.) and don't insult me by saying that I'm airing BS, rhetoric, pissing on, crowing about or taking sly shots at America. Don't you dare question my patriotism. If you want to disagree, do it intelligently, not by accusing and slurring me.
  6. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Wow all this Political talk is way over my head so I will leave it to you guys.
    If anyone knows the real answer to World Peace let me know.
    Am I right to be thinking of joining the Gentle People of Dumaguete?
    It is a well known fact that Politics and Religious intolerance are the main causes of War so forgive me for wanting a simple life.
  7. ronin

    ronin DI Member

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    Not directed at you nor am i questioning your patriotism...i salute it. sorry u took my post that way. my early apology was directed at the early post concerning a response to a member on new guns. i take no pleasure insulting anyone and i apologize to u again if u mistook my post as a swipe at u. as i said, maybe best to limit my participation and get to know the personalities on this board.
  8. blackline

    blackline DI Forum Adept

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    Hello Ronin. My point is that whats inside what ever country,is within its border an have to be solved in that context.You are mentioning regional conflicts in regions that US is involved its forces in. Or occupating if we use that language.
    I dont either like too discuss politics here, but how to explain things when you need to wrap it in cotton.As i told you. What the Us do within its own border is their business. So with your right to have and wear weapons,I am not surprised that you have some action going on killing people a lot of times every year.Of course you can deny that this has to do with how you deal with weapons. It has nothing with conspiracy to do.
    But one thing really seems odd to me.Everyone criticising US foreign policy seems in principal to hate USA.And all of them seems to to be victims of conspiracy theories.Do you really think that things are that easy.

    But for now I dont want to discuss more politics here.
    Lets aggree that we dont aggree,and let that be it.
  9. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Okay. It's cool. I shouldn't have gotten off on the politics. Peace
  10. logicwings

    logicwings DI Member

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    Opinion masquerading as fact. Its a common theme in these threads regarding the United States.
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