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Why are Filipino's bad mannered to each other?

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by babel-fish, Sep 14, 2008.

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  1. Mam A

    Mam A DI Member

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    Race? Attitude?

    Hi! How are you all on this strip?

    IMHO, no matter how corny and how much of a dash of cold water this may be: I believe that the bigger issue is attitude. Attitude is developed from home firstly and home may not necessarily mean with parents. Street kids do not have proper homes. If they happen to be with at least someone who practices good courtesy and fine conduct, they would gain something to improve their behavior. Otherwise, how they actualize is not bad for them. Their attitude would be hinged again IMHO, on survival. They won't waste words and they would always be in a hurry to get what they want and move on. I also believe that street kids like to attract your attention and would like you to give them what they want so they move away. Being rude helps them get their way. Some street kids would even try to touch ___ and since ___ want them to move away, ___ might quickly give a coin or something.

    Rude adults may actualize their rudeness without themselves realizing they are being rude. They might simply not know what's rude and what's not.

    And what would be rude in one place may not be rudeness in another. I've traveled quite a bit and have met "rude" as well as very nice people everywhere. Discrimination? I met that too but have not taken any of it hard because again, it's attitude. Instead of feeling discriminated, I choose not to feel it. So there! It's either one's attitude or the other person's.

    To bash those Pinoys who were being rude fine. But to bash in general--that too could be a challenged attitude.
  2. gotz

    gotz DI Member

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    Generalizing on us Filipinos as bad mannered also shows how ill mannered you are.

    You are complaining about how Filipinos deal or approach you. Why? Do you Englishmen treat Filipinos and other asians in your country with utmost respect and courtesy?

    You want respect then show us first your respect. Our culture is different from yours. You want respect coz you believe you are white? You Englishmen practice respect and courtesy only to your own kind. But not to other races.
  3. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    I have never anybody barge into me let alone elbow me, not too much trouble in trafic either (but than I don't drive). Main 'politness' issues I got are with family members but it is almost all down to being shy and afraid to speak english etc.

    I do value manners though but I really can't be bothered if ppl lack the polite phrases or service attitude (I will just tip less), anyhow it depends on the upbringing, if you get into poor areas in England I doubt you will find many 'thank you sir' more likely a knuckle sandwich for being posh.
  4. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    Yep ppl should take it easy with the generalisations here, ppl are ppl wherever they are from and eventualy you harvest what you seed.

    I make a point of dealing with everybody with respect btw. unless they are real disrespectfull towards me, it hardly takes an efford.

    Sure in trying to find something specific for a country you get generalizations but in the end they are complete useless. Some English ppl wrote a book 'the undutchables' and when I read it I sort of recognized it just did not know anybody who lived like that (but than I did the Dutch citizen test, foreigners have to take and failed as well).
  5. tubigboy

    tubigboy DI Forum Adept

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    Now posh is an interesting word. Derived from the old cunard lines. When you had to travel by sea. A room that had a view of the city as you were leaving and when you were returning to port was considered a posh room. An acronym for Port Out and Starboard Home.

    I still stand by answer. "crab mentality!" Me me me me me me! Do you ever wonder why they bother painting the lines on the roads?
  6. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    Interesting I did not know that, I don't really know what 'crab mentality' means btw. Considering the sacrifices many Filipino's make to suport their families you can't really argue that there is general ego-centric streak though.
  7. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

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  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    All most right, British colonist sailing to the for east before air con,
    if traveling POSH would have shade in the cabin, port outward starboard home,

    Don't get many cities at sea. :rolleyes:
  9. shiba

    shiba DI Member

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    Well, excuse me...'the pointing lips thing and a smile or raising eyebrows bad mannered?' You just don't get it, do you? For Filipinos born under "Filipino culture" these behaviours are just as natural as eating rice and dried fish with their hands.

    You have been studying Filipino culture for many years? Sorry, you will never understand it because instead of learning their behaviours and accepting how Filipinos interact with one another, you want the Filipino people to behave on how you want them to based on your own standards. That ain't happening...

    Since you are residing in the Philippines amongst the Filipino people...when in the Philippines, do what the Filipinos do...learn how to barge your way or how to get served first:eek: am sure your Filipino sweetheart can give you pointers on how to do it:p 'cmon, you can do it:wink:

    Jelly, you make the most sense :smile:
  10. OP

    babel-fish DI Member

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    If you met me you would soon find I give respect and have very good manners. I however do not generise its how I see it. I am very well travelled, military and privately I can honestly say that this country is one of the worst mannered place I have ever lived in maybe its because I have learned to understand the language but I also know enough of other languages to understand politeness. Its only when english is spoken manners seem to apply.

    The truth may hurt, but that is the truth how I see. But is this bad manners good for tourism?

    You can pull me down as much as you like, but if you wish we will both walk around the city together and I will point out where good manners are not being used. Its a fact and one that can not be hidden. Lets do a survey and see what the percentages are of those that do not use manners and those that do. Better still do your own and you will be very disapointed.

    Its something that I have learned to ignore and pity only.
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