I Know Jellyfish why you did fall in love, because I have seen your lot and your house and that is a place to fall in love with. Greetings J.Diver
So beer is 40 cents ? Cigaretes 20 cents ? Brandy US$1.20 ? Just amoungst other things you may forgot on your short stay here. Yes Okay, were your eyes closed or did you girl friend tell you what she paid, lol you also can pay 2 or 3 million for the same thing and it seems the seller was treating you like a tourist with no real idea of prices. I expect the real price was 5 million. Again it looks like the owner took you for an idiot. I am looking at land at 600Peso per square meter just outside of duma. I any case I prefer to rent. Well you americans own most of the worlds oil supply, if you lived in the UK the prices would make you really sweat. No it does not i can see your girl friend was paying the bills or you had the aircon on all the time. lol. UK prices once again would make you sweat. Not to bad now days and its improving, heard of generators? Eat filipino it works for me, though prices have gone up. Some junk and some good stuff just the same as elsewhere not worried about the refund bit, I have become rich on what I save. Crime is 100 less than in the states and over rated as anything and every thing is recorded on television mostly petty stuff. too true but my main beef I have to pay for it but not so in the UK, just one of those crosses we have to bare. Not always so, you heard of the american guy that was sued for calling Filipino's monkeys he won the case. What give up all that lovely snow and rain in London, God how I miss it. You must really love fascist USA and all it indoctrination, plus big brother, wow. Yes its a shame the young girls here fall over trying to net the man with a dollar sign on his head, joke. lol Sun, girls and wild wild whisky, it looks like your very depressed and need a realy cold beer, lol. Look one can find a very beautiful woman that is more caring than any you can find at home. At home you would probly only get a ugly desperate one thats if your lucky. Cheer up and don't let the natives get you down one can have such a good life here and if your bored here you would only be just as bored at home. But if you really want to live in a real cool place China is absolutly brillant much better for those that consider all the luxuries of life. I go and stay there when I get the Filipino blues.
Babel, it's IMHO waste of energy to try to turn Bandit's opinion. He told his way of thinking. But....possibly it was only to tickle some of us to give our honest opinions. And if not ..... better for him to stay away from here and to enjoy his own country. No problem with a guy who loves his native country. I agree with you that that however should not make you blind for facts and figures.
babel-fish, fascist USA? I think you are way out of line on this. I lived in Duma and I did not like it so, we moved out of Duma. Too many trikes, scooters, bikes, and the brown outs were just part of the nightmare. Why should anyone have to get a generator? They are loud, stinky, and also, they gobble up gasoline. I had a huge house with a big guest house and pool with jacuzzi! I was still miserable there. I still can remember those lousy trikes careening by our house at all times of the day mix that in with the crow of the roosters, and finally the noise pollution from the ear piercing and always off key karoke singer! No thanks! The only place in China that I would live would be Hainen (sp) island. Actually, I have contemplated moving there. Supposed to be the paradise of China. BTW, the Philippines has one of the highest electrical rates in Asia. Second only to Japan!
No I am not I have been debating with many americans on newsvine and nowpublic and offering the main opinion seen in america's lefties and of course the lefties down here excaping from the american home land. Actual in reality I dont think america is fascist but another form of capitalism very similar to the politics here in the Philipinnes CORRUPTISM and highly corrupt by the international corperate entities, oil, arms and chemical industries.
Corruption just America??? This is a world wide problem Babel Fish, Corruption is still endemic in the UK. This corruption is so widespread that it has affected all levels of society. White Collar crime is simply thought of as business, it's almost second nature to many businessmen. The local councils have been exposed time and time again for dirty dealings. Accusations are now flying in towns and cities in the UK. It appears that corruption in UK Police forces is a major problem as well. No place is free from this. Something we all live with in every country. I think most of us left our countries for a little more freedom. We the expats should nolonger have the ties of our countries we are people of the world not confind to borders we are as free as the wind. That I chosen the Philippines to base my life is part of our freedom. I am not pro American even thou I was born there. but to a small extent I will defend western way of life because our countries have brought much to the rest of the world. Even though our countries have done it sometimes with their own best interest at heart.
World Citizens is a good term freed from the indoctrination and false patrotism of our political leaders and their puppet masters. But unfortunatly we can never be totally free and there are those that want us to be tarred by the same brush.
"what were the most difficult changes to make in adapting to a new culture: Lack of TV? Too many women who smile at you?" Although the PI is a member of the poorer nations club, nearly all of the homes have cable TV so you won't miss that. And yes there will be too many women who will smile at you, watch out, you can get hooked before you feel the pain. And now Dumaguete even has a McDonalds so I would say getting used to a different cusine will not be too difficult on you but its something you really need to experience and it will be a lot cheaper for you if you learn to enjoy it. If you need steady income from your SW work, Manila is your better bet, unless you plan to work from an internet cafe, most homes still only get dial-up unless your willing to pay for better connection and that will depend on your location. Choosing to live among another culture is a big step one that your really need to be taking one at a time.
Thanks, all, for the replies. I'll be visiting DGTE in the near future, and hopefully can get a handle on it then. I'll be talking to Rhoody about learning to dive, and expats about what to expect. Pat
Many ex-pat do not even try to adapt, nice house swimming pool and the regular entertainment and send out pizza. There is more than 50 channels on my cable TV plus its easy to get (hmmm tongue in cheek) DVD's there sold openly on the street even, copyrights seem to mean little here. Actually if you like women to smile at you here, they are normally the ones to avoid especially if your old and ugly like me, lol There is one problem and that is the stares one always recieved and its actual worst some times if you have a beautiful partner as they stare at her too. But thats the same all over asia at least I think it is. The hardest thing that I have learnt to adapt to is my partners moods, the noise problem being the second hardest thing which now I really do not have too much problem with it now. Oh no that moon is full again, lol Perhaps the bad roads, pot holes and all the motor bikes take a bit of getting use too for some but I love the game of dodgem cars its great fun. lol Just cross your self and hope for the best even if your muslim or jewish, lol Make sure you have been vaccinated for hepatitis as its pretty rampant here. Duma is a nice place and your meet nice people why your here so enjoy.