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Why Not Disco - Dumaguete

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by Jung, Oct 20, 2006.

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  1. Floyd

    Floyd DI New Member

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    You don't know your born!

    I have been living in Phuket for 5 years and for the past 2 had a nightclub in Phuket City. This is well away from the tourist areas and 90% of my customers were Thais. Sure I got the odd working girl in and as long as they were not obvious they were left alone.

    But nearly all Thai women anly have one thing on their minds and belive me it's not love. You are expected to pay for the whole family and buy what ever they want, starts with a mobile then a motorbike till you get to the house which of course has to be in her name. After that you usualy get dumped quite often for the Thai boyfriend or husband.

    I had a girl phone me last week who was an ex customer who I barely remember. She wanted money to open a resturant and was gobsmaked when I said no!

    I met my filipina girlfriend about two years ago. She works in a hotel here. I have given her money for her family twice when they were in trouble other than that she sends her money home and I look after her. She stay with me because she wants to not because of what I can do for her.

    I have other friends here in the same position with filipina wives because they are sick of the Thais.

    Sure there are good and bad everywhere but you can't compare a Thai bargirl with a filipina one there is no contest belive me.

    That's one of the reasons I am seriously considering a permanent move to Dumaguete.

    Time to get off my soapbox now.

  2. WillPower

    WillPower DI Junior Member

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    I will not quote, but i agree! Se you aruond!
  3. mommyseksi

    mommyseksi DI Member

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    wheter u like it or not...it's called LOVE!!

    i prefer to reply to u daffs, coz, i wld have hope that u cld have explain it better than me daffs, because as what u'v said "I'm a filipina also". and "Im not married but I'm together long time with my boyfriend.I have my own work that I'm not totally dependent on him financially" so, may i ask? what else is ur other reason for going on w/ ur bf, if not for love? i hope it's not the other way around...the same thing that u observed w/in ur circles: "for a foreighner who want's to marry a girl in Philippines, you just accept the reality that girls choose you than a filipino guy because of your money and you are a bridge that she can go out from Philippines either she work in "why not" or not, educated she is or not.Lets face the reality"
    what cld have ur bf think of this if he reads it? whether his a filipino or not; i think attraction was the first thing that comes first. either his/her physical look or his brain(coz no one loves a dull person)...and you'll start to love him when he/she starts to show u kindness, understanding and care...it's by then when u realized whether he/she got money or not!! if he/ she has, the better...the more, the merrier!! right? :D is that hypocrisy? rich people wanted to have more; how much more those who doesn't? :rolleyes:
    i don't want to make this personal daffs,:p but i advice u to stop judging the married-to-foreigner-filipinas in ur circle, and start looking at yourself...if u think u'r better above them, it's still doesn't give u the right to judge them in general ...not unless if u'r the unlucky guy who've been gold digged by a filipina, then u have the right to comment:wink: ...that's all i cld say, and i hope Will Power cld get his answer from this.:D
  4. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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    """".....so, may i ask? what else is ur other reason for going on w/ ur bf, if not for love? i hope it's not the other way around...the same thing that u observed w/in ur circles""""

    +++ I said thats what i observed ... sorry it's not on my "circle"...
    my situation is deffirent I have a boyfriend who have a work that is more on travelling..so we are not on a relationship that face to face everyday and I also work hard abroad to have a better life ....so no need of him to support me fully so that I can survive here.

    +++maybe you observe some 20 years old girl going with 60 years old long nose like a grandpa of her...you think she go on him because he is so good looking? I did not blame them here..I said thats what I observe and lets face the reality....girls go on this old guy because of money you think this 20 years old will marry a 60 years old with no money out there????
    Money is a big rule on this relationship mommyseksi, not only in philippines that happened also in other countries .Old rich guy can easily get young wife its because of their money not because they are physically atrractive.

    """what cld have ur bf think of this if he reads it? whether his a filipino or not; i think attraction was the first thing that comes first. either his/her physical look or his brain(coz no one loves a dull person)...and you'll start to love him when he/she starts to show u kindness, understanding and care...it's by then when u realized whether he/she got money or not!! if he/ she has, the better...the more, the merrier!! right? :D is that hypocrisy? rich people wanted to have more; how much more those who doesn't? :""""

    +++if my boyfriend read this, there's no big deal on it mommyseksi because he knows me so much...

    ++++what I'm talking here is not hypocrisy,,,,it's the reality...and ...i'm only talking here of what I observed......

    +++++You think the people here will beleive if I shout here that young filipina choose the longnoses the fat and old like grandpa of her (not because of their money) but because they are so attractive:D :D

    Mommyseksi you can have your own opinion about this topic and I also like to have my own opinion.PEACE......It's up to them the long noses think about it maybe they know better:smile:
  5. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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  6. mommyseksi

    mommyseksi DI Member

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    hope we're we still on the topic!!

  7. mommyseksi

    mommyseksi DI Member

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    Inviting u to the City of Gentle People!!

    Hi there, WillPower...i originally intend not to reply, but on second thought, i might be disrespectful not to answer your dilemma about asian women, when your questions were asked directly to me.
    first...i wld like to know if u were already in a bad relationship w/ asian women that made you generalize Asian girls as
    "western hookers". As u've said, u haven't been to our country yet, and you dont know...And i can't understand what u mean about getting to "that western girl talking and thinking" . i wonder why it seems sour to ur taste to hear some filipinas talking abt the good side of their relationship w/ a foreigner. Are u under estimating Asian women? Or the people in particular, talking abt the interest in ur wallet?? Yes, money is a big factor in everyone's lives, but pls don't be obsessed w/ the few euros u have "that cld feed mouth more than most of the filipino population"...I advice u to come visit our country, especially Dumaguete...it's a beautiful and small, but decent place...that's why a lot of europeans and other filipinos from other cities are attracted to live there. Make friends w/ the locals...if ever they drag u to some nice resorts, famous discos and restaurant; and then expected u to pay the bills, so be it...coz they might can't afford it, but jst want u to see and enjoy those famous places. if u'll ever encounter a swindler or a hooker, i assure u they're scattered everywhere in the whole world...and if you are kind and fair, of course it's a very big possibility that you'll befriend the locals forever...their forever "cano-friend"!!
    And if u'r still ever wondering whether we
    are "like Asian girls like Asian girls elsewhere: cind, respectful and polite"!

    Yes, we are!! AND are not DORKS especially!!


    to conclude my point, i'll qoute RHB

    "So whether you date a good girl or donate 20 bucks to a girl for one night, or marry a filippina, we won't make any more value judgements about their motives, or ours... regardless of the situation. sounds fair to me. too much judging going on by many. not sure about puppys analogy tho... When I go to the market, I am the one to follow her!

    That all said, there are different grades of gold digging, lying and cheating going on. And many good healthy relationships too.

    The difference in culture coupled with the big disparity in wealth, (or the perception thereof),make things take on particular dynamic. It is good to remind newcomers of the pitfalls, and realities,and risks.

    We white guys are all foreigners first by definition, men second by gender, husbands third by intention."

    I'll say it again, RHB has a very good point in this discussion.

    And for me this topic is closed now and i don't intend to reply to any more messages that'll be qouted from here...

    Hope you'll enjoy befriending the locals in dgte willpower. good day!
  8. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    ... what is all very interesting but has nothing to do with the Thread:
    just as a reminder the topic is :

    Why Not Disco - Dumaguete ​

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  9. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    OK, I will take this opportunity to give my verdict of thee WHY NOT BAR.

    For as iam concerned its gone down hill from the previous time I was here

    You could just walk in and sit down at the bar and chat to who ever,
    now its been alternated to a restaurant.
    Then if you want to socialize you have to go inside the disco bar,( rubbish)
    Not my cup of tea, must be getting old already :eek:

    I miss the European style bars in Dumaguete, can't compare Happy Freds or
    mikes dive shop, could be a business adventure for somebody. :smile:
  10. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    Actually I think this is one of the few really good disscussions on the board for the following reason, you have filipinas in a dialogue with foreign men talking nitty gritty about relationships between foreigners and locals, regardless of the long dead topic head, it is not often you see this, besides mommy seksi agrees with my point of view :D
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