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Why Not Disco - Dumaguete

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by Jung, Oct 20, 2006.

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  1. WillPower

    WillPower DI Junior Member

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    I'm sorry if i have sad something bad and i apologise for that. My intention was not to hurt anyone!
    Wighting in english is a rather new experience for me and don't really now how a speciall word have a negative effect or not. I had to look up the word dorky i a dictionary and i can agree that it is strong word to have in a context. But i did not meant to spread bad vibes. Tough i have a provocative touch sometimes but that is only to bring out the best from people. :o

    In the future i will think and look in my dictionary before submitting! :smile:

  2. southerndon

    southerndon DI Member

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    I, like Roody, think it's interesting where this thread went considering the original topic. And like RHB said it's a great discussion for the reason that both Filipina and Foriegners are involved.

    So if I might add something sort of on topic and mixing the subtopic too...

    When I was in Dumaguete I spent a lot of time in the Why Not. The only girls in there that wanted my money were the girls bringing me my tab at the end of the night.With one exception...

    The prosti that wouldn't take NO for an answer...LOL.

    I tried to say it politely...I tried to ignore her...my GF literally wanted to murder her right there in the disco...I tried to tell her no in ever way except sign language. I"m sure if I had given her the "finger" she wouldn't taken that as an invitation ...LOL

    To call her stalker it to put it mildly...I"m sure from a outside point of view it was comical to watch...but not so when my ex GF wanted to fight her right there in the club.

    Now for a more practical comment...

    It's amazing how many men travel half way around the world to find a Filipina wife or GF...they expect the girls to live with them sort of like husband and wife..if u know what I'm saying...

    And then complain if they are expected to support the girls...as husband and wife!

    So many guys travel to the Philippines for sex...and expecting sex...and they get it...then complain about the girls wanting money.

    Some men travel to the Philippines with so many unreasonable expectations ...then they complain about the money issue...

    You can always make more money!

    I think many of the guys, not all, that go over there have no business being the the Philippines looking for a wife to begin with. If their screaming about finances all the time how the hell can they support a filipina when she's here. Not to mention the visa process. That's expensive enough.

    No one ever thinks about that but when they're faced with the cost of visa process...they end up back at square one! complaining that all she wants is money.

    I say...Wake up and smell the Durian! If you can't afford being there you're not going to enjoy the Phils. If you can't afford to court a woman in your country then stay out of the Phils too...

    Filipinas are human too ..they want to have a good life,nice things, and someone to share that with just like us.

    Get a grip!

  3. daffs

    daffs DI Forum Adept

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  4. WillPower

    WillPower DI Junior Member

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    If i where a Filipino i wold get upset by that frase! Have anybody here ever questioned the fact that the Filipinos are not human? Or is this something that you have discovered suddenly and want to cheer that wisdom to us all?!.... and i can assure you that anybody with right set of mind wants to improve their quality of life! (this is not kindergarten Dumagute forum) The question is to what extend is a girl willing to go and what sacrifices she is willing to give.
    The thing is, southerndon, that in most country's in asia, except Singapore and Japan and maby China, their is a big stigma attached for local girls/woman to be with a foreigner and this is the realty. It is to sad, but this is have it is.
    Personally I'm interested in if this is the case in the Philippines to and to what extend. Are the nationals natives talking bad about here wile walking side by side with a foreigner fore example ore are they applauding here!
    And there are also the "face" factor. I now in Thailand the only way fore you to gain face by the locals are to be with native who are a respected girl not a country girl and if that is important fore you, it is something to think about living in Thailand. I want to now, is it the same in the Philippines. Not that i care.... if i fall in love with a simple country girl so be it!
    Is "face" a big thing in the Philippines?

    southerndon, things are more complicated than saying.... -Get a grip! :eek:

  5. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Thanks to some real smarties who can not read we gonna close the thread to give him a bit a break. By the way there was a thread about something similar, feel free to continue here...
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