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Why Not Manager!!

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by Tom87, Sep 26, 2008.

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  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    nope Zanzibar is open
  2. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    Music Box is here in Dumaguete since Clark airbase and Subic bay of the American army has been closed (in Olongapo)and that must be around 1987-1988.
    Since then it has always been under the same management (Marcus)
  3. JoeMabini

    JoeMabini DI Member

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    Personally, I am addicted to the Neua Pad Prik - spicy beef with kafir lime leaves - at the Why Not. We have always had a nice time at the resto. The only time we were not satisfied is when there was a Christmas party planned and the sign said closing at 2pm but we were refused at 1pm. A simple change in signage would have made it eaier to understand such as "Last customer will be seated at 12:59pm"

    We ended up eating at Casablanca instead that day.

    The Why not, like it or not, is an institution and people have tried to imitate but never have duplicated the formula and probably never will. To write them off and not eat there just serves to penalize yourself. The Why Not consistently has good food and the service is not all that bad considering.

    Back to Casablanca, Gunther does his level best to make sure that your dining experience is top notch when he is there. He takes care of the details. When he is not there, the staff gets lax. He will probably never overcome this problem unless he has a bunch (enough to staff a restaurant) of children and instills his work ethics from birth into them.
  4. Kojak

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

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    Not sure why Markus has the rule about "flip-flops"..... but if you think about it it does make sense

    If someone dropped a bottle.....the broken glass would be a hazard.... it may be a concern for safety ???? as to the inconsistency of enforcement.... when you have a high turn over of staff.... it is difficult to get them all on the same rule page.....many of those girls are there for one purpose..... meet a foreigner.... then they leave and a new girl takes their place...
  5. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0

    ... and plenty of posts with inappropriate (political, religious) content unapproved until feedback from site -administration
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