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Why Not Manager!!

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by Tom87, Sep 26, 2008.

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  1. Rick&Sue

    Rick&Sue DI Forum Adept

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    When you sit down and ask to see a menu, do you not note the price of your particular beer at that time? I don't understand the complaints here, I guess. Don't you get a "chit" to sign every time you order a beer or a "round" of drinks?

    When your bill comes, if the price per beer is not what is stated in the menu (and previously "accepted" by you at the time of your visit), then you can ask questions? Same as any other restaurant I've ever been... here, or abroad.
  2. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    What I don't understand is why, in a place like Anabel jeans, they are trying to charge a higher price than indicated on the menu in the event the customer did not ask for the menu by knowing the price already from a recent previous visit. If only after making a comment they do correct the bill, it says enough about their way of doing business.
  3. Kojak

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

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    I have several negative stories about Why Not...... but I see no benefit in airing them here.....I took my concerns to the manager..... he politely told me to mind my own business

    It is his establishment..... he has a right to run it anyway he wishes.....just like I have a right not to go there..... to take my pesos elsewhere.....

    Not sure the female manager is the correct person to attack..... she does what she is told..... she has no discretionary authority..... she is not allowed to use common sense or her own initiative.....if she has any of those things
  4. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Common situation in the Philippines.
  5. Kojak

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

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    Like most things that is a two edged sword...... on one hand this ability makes Filipinos a desirably employee around the world; They do what they are told.....without question.... and do not add or subtract
    On the other hand it makes for lousy customer service and heightened customer frustration

    I once thought about starting a school to teach employees about customer service..... but once I learned about the horrendous abuse of employees in the Philippines I found the idea less than attractive....
  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Kojak, why are you going to two-month old posts to comment on? You join the forum and come on very strong.
  7. Kojak

    Kojak DI Forum Adept

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    FIRST Did not realize it was a "two month old post"....I surfed the forum and tried to contribute....
    SECOND is there are limit on how much one should participate..... problem with us fully retired Bacong residents.....we often have too much time on our hands..... shall I back off.....did I say something you do not think is appropriate.....
    BTW....you got some free time..... drop by..... I live behind St Peters.... we can have coffee
  8. shaboo

    shaboo DI Junior Member

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    Why Not "WHY NOT"

    I have been eating in Why Not for over 5 years and I can say having eaten in every other place in this town that this restaurant while not perfect is the closest thing to it. It has the most consistent food and service and over 5 years I have rarely if ever complained. I know that I am not eating in a four star restaurant but one that is probably on par with an average diner in the states. The prices are reasonable, the location is great and generally the company is good too as I have met many new friends while sitting there. Marcos is Marcos. He likes to sit on this throne and good for him. I have probably said ten words in 5 years to him. He is irrelevant to my enjoyment there. I would love to see another place that tops it and Casablanca and Edeilweiss ain't them. I am not some mid-west hick that thinks MCDonalds is a gourmet restaurant but someone fairy sophisticated having lived and eaten very well in NYC for 20 years. Arrogant yea but extremely objective. If you got a better place please let me know and not the latest and greatest invention of Gunther. Been There, Done That
  9. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Agree with your comments about food. And yes, if you're too critical, (i.c. to European standards) I am afraid there's no place around in the whole of Dumaguete.
    The moment the owner will make Edelweiss a non smoking restuarant, I'll be the first to go there. Since he's addicted to smoke cigarettes, wishful thinking. About Casablance, did try it a couple of times but the lack of interest of the staff towards a customer, made me decide to avoid that place, unless there will be a change for the better.
  10. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    I agree with your comments, and Eidelweiss Smoking Rest. Been there one time and the smoke smell was terrible. 12 guys in the bar smoking and drinking and we were the only couple eating there. It is more like a bar than a restaurant. I smoke myself but never ever do I smoke indoors or in front of people.


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