:D POPE gets my vote for best yet! and first post? must be a second log in, too funny for a new guy... You know... if: Ceres liners come to congested area with school students in the road... then step on the accelerator and blow the horn. dogs look before crossing a road, people don't. If your driving and blow your horn, pedestrians and bicycles assume you see them and don't move.
You know............................etc. It's 40 degrees in the city and p*****g down in - you know where. Rhoody, no-one has complained about me yet!! BTW - Don't get me wrong - I LOVE my mountain home. Al.
Al, sure you love it, cause it's f#$@# raining there like in the country you come from... hehe:p But serious, the weather at the moment is unreal, and a very bad sign for the next "rainy-season".... whenever this "dry-season" ends. Ryhoody
Rhoody - I am speaking to you now - well into March - 7.45 in the evening and it is absolutely monsooning here in Valencia. I just think I'll go for a swim on my lawn!!!! Al.
actually no big difference in Duma this evening, I can't even go for a cold one to Ading's. I guess her husband and his service-personal are happy that they have a quiet evening and don't need to stand up so many times... hehe