yeah I noticed in filipines blowing your horn mainly is a warning you are passing somebody so they should stay on their present course:D
haha we arrived in dumaguete with a pack of 1000 peso notes since we changed euro's in manila, my advise is just make sure to consume loads at one location
tbh you need to know filipino's think you should not travel on that day or shower btw. only day there is not bloody trafic jam in manila btw
Robinson Building Hello, I am so excited that finally there is going to have a big and tall shopping mall building in our city. It means the city is in progress economically. This is a good start to attract more investor in the city. It is a long overdue to have Robinson Department Store/or any high rise department store as people like to shop especially that this building has a one place to shop. I am looking forward to see this building early next year during my holiday. Is it going to finish then? Thank you. marlene
you know your in dumaguete when someone makes a post to this forum and has no clue as to the thread topic :D Maybe a new thread is in order, You know your on DI forum if...
You know your in the PI if you go to any government agency during lunch time and discover that everyone takes their lunch break at the same time!
you know your in duma if you see a guy standing on the side of the street or up against a wall on a public road or sidewalk and he is urinating. Or you go into a public building, store, mall and there is no bathroom, toilet seat and no toilet paper!
Yeah,I arrived back home from a short stay at Subic Bay where I ate something,from a hotel,that made me rush to the toilet 4 or 5 times a day. Been to my local Doctor and had some tests,and found that it is Giardia,a micro parasite that lives in the gut. Reason...they don't wash their hands after having a crap! Not to mention the hundreds of flies crawling over open air raw food.