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Your biggest mistake

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by sprink131371, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    just what I picked up;

    Buying a house too early and ending up getting stuck in a place you do not really want to be in. Seeing all kind of business oportunities, while you hardly know the country. Everybody has to pay their dues I guess but try to avoid anything that costs a lot of money untill you are all settled in at least it will not have cost you much. Thinking everything is cheap, it is not and can add up fast.
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I really love that thread as it comes to almost 2 extremes. (not ment to be negative at all)

    I moved to the PI also not for retirement (but knowing that I can if I want to, even on a pretty simple level).

    I came with an open return-ticket, my dive-gear a pair of slippers, 2 shorts, 5 shirts and some cash to survive the first few month.

    My thinking was going in the direction:
    If I can not find in this country what I need for living and creating enough to pay my food and expenses, it is not the right country for me.

    So I did my SCUBA Instructor course, created some other additional small sources of income (and believe me DI is none of them) and go with open ears, eyes and mind through my life, enjoying that lovely country, knowing exactly that I will never understand it and if I feel not happy anymore I will move somewhere else...
  3. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    was that your first visit then Rhoody? or had you been around before?
  4. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    it was 8 years ago, I booked a 3 week diving holiday to Asia Divers in Puerto Galera (what has basically nothing to do with the "real" Philippines).

    Before that I was 21 times in SE-Asia (including 9 countries) but never to the PI.

    Sitting on the Bangka from PG to Batangas I decided to be back asap. I talked to my business-partner in Germany how to divide everything, and came back 2 month later with the items mentioned in the other post

    The decision that will leave Germany (a wonderful country... but I have big issues with the negative attitude of the population) was made when I was 15. I saw a report about Bali on TV and decided that I want to be there when I reach 35. Ok it's not Bali, but I have been there several times.

    So I started working on that goal, had my own company with 19 and was most of the time out of Germany since then.

    I am pretty hard headed when it comes to things "I want".
    And my goals in life do not include to sit with a bunch of people complaining about each and everything dayin-dayout. I rather abuse my 100 KG for doing things I enjoy, like diving, smoking, drinking and other stuff... don't wanna die healthy, each single cell shall be used... You don't have a Porsche to keep it in you garage... you wanna drive it...

    That might not create many "friends" but the few I have are real ones. It also won't bring me to heaven, but my few friends won't be there anyway. :wink:

    now everybody sings "AAAAAAmen"

  5. Bandit

    Bandit Guest Guest User

    +0 / 0
    I'm thinking you haven't spent much time here sprink...

    Most of the long staying foreigners I know here wouldn't apply any of the 3 terms you just used to describe Dgte now that the shine has worn off the place for them.

    Multiple 2-3 week visits for example do not equal 8 mos or more in this or any small town in the world. Put in at least a straight year here before you sell it all to move to paradise

  6. OP

    sprink131371 DI Junior Member

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    Actually I have never been there. But, My wife and I have been talking about doing something along these lines for 8+ years. She had been in the hospitality/ Sales and marketing industry for most of her career untill 9/11. After that, even with a degree she couldn't even get on at CrapDonalds. I have been in my "choosen" profession for 16 years and moved into the office from field installation 2 years ago. A learning experience to say the least, but I am not enjoying it. You could almost say I am miserable here. When this opportunity came up several months ago it was like a Karma send. AAAAAAmen.:wink: We have got the house rented to a friend, and don't have to sell anything except some bigger ticket items in order to gain some capital. Every day something else pushes me westward. If I don't make it, then it wasn't ment to be. If I do, its all good. Either way I will learn something.
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    I always admire adventurous people, they remind me of me. But while a lot of things you consider as necessary will be available here, they really come with a price. Since you dont know the language you will want to get cable for entertainment, you probably wont make a diet of fresh chicken, rice and pork so knowing that McDs is just down the road and many other non-asian restaurants you will be eating out many nights, remember there is no Stop-and-shop for you to pop into to buy that fresh steak to throw on the grill. Yes you can keep up appearances but long term it is going to cost you because believe me the price of these things will not come down.

    Another mis conception here in this south sea paradise is that there will be plenty of fresh fish to eat right from the shore. Most fish here is farm raised. If you do like fish I suggest you try this. The most common dinner fish here that would be available to you now are milkfish and talapia. Go to the grocer and buy a few pounds of each and then prepare a few meals of this a week and see if that is sufficient for you to live on. There are other varieties but these are still fairly cheap. Also hit the chinese restaurants and order plenty of Lo Main, this will give you the opportunity to practice some Philippine type cuisine, there is plenty more but they may not be readily available to you, enjoy.
  8. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    sprink131371, keep that kind of attitude close to your heart. Don't expect to much, and you get much more . Good Luck to you and your wife !

    ps. You mention to your introduction that you going to the Philippines in September ? and your wife have a Filipina friend ? ask her, the filipina if there a Forex "Balikbayan" cargo around your area. Just a suggestion, you can send your stuff ahead of your trip , or arranged to them Forexworld.com
    that it will arrived same time with you. Thats the cheapest way to send your stuff and not be overloaded in your trip. This is the cargo most used by Filipinos abroad. Specially all the things that you and others mention, that you may needed. The thing; declare nothing..its all used stuff ! that how we do it.
    ..see which one you are interested to contact.


    Balikbayan boxes, ocean and air cargo shipping to the Philippines - Manila Forwarders

    Index of /

    All the best !
  9. dumaguetenia

    dumaguetenia DI Forum Adept

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    :D :D :D :D :p i almost in tears and now LOL ! thats the side of your life story that will make you such a normal human being . Not your business Rhoodness. Thanks Rhoody, for sharing us your members in this forum your story.
  10. OP

    sprink131371 DI Junior Member

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    Pedro, your post could not have come at a more appropriate time! My wife and I where just talking about those very things. AAAAAMEEEEEENNNNN. Thank you.
    dumaguetenia, thank you for your kind and inspirational words. We have looked at the boxes and they are very small. Do you know of a good SMALL container shipper? Enough to get some tools, blender, CD's, stereo's, etc......westward? When I get the bar open your first "2" beers are on me. Rhoody, since I will have partners I can't let you drink for free for life as I would like to, but I will make sure you stagger home. Watch out for that first step it's a doozy.
    Bandit, we are about good Karma and faith, I hope I have enough to bring extra for you.