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Your Help Needed Please

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by PatO, May 2, 2011.

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  1. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Your'e welcome Roger. I appreciate what you and the Thursday Club is doing.
    I have pm'd Pat and will look for the membership form.
    Thanks for the mention of Kevin, I would enjoy a chat with him. I have recently communicated with Kenny, a former FDNY firefighter.
    Frankly, Im in nursing school at the moment and hopefully I can increase my skill set for the future in Dumaguete, or wherever the Man upstairs sends me (hope He sends me soon!)
    See ya later...
  2. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    The Thursday Club will meet at 11 a.m. 21st July at Casablanca, to discuss what project, if any, is in the offing and if so, how do we fund it and move forward with it. If you are a member then you are most welcome to turn up and have your say and put forward any suggestions, If you're not a member, you can turn up and join. Simples. PatO will deal with any membership questions (it's really very straight forward) and I, as treasurer, will be there with my hand held out !!! Folding stuff is preferred, but I'll take rattling stuff too.:D:D
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Western Union.

    :wink: Roger, in light of a big Hiccup at the Bank recently, I have to use, Western Union AGAIN, for payments to the PI, can you let me know, your EXACT details for collection of funds. Azon is on field work now and Picking up donations from her office, can be a little Hit & Miss. I feel that it is better, just now, for you to have access to the next donation, Via WU. :(

    PM to me if you prefer.:smile:

    Regards Jack.
  4. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    Jack, my apologies for not replying to you earlier. I would have done so sooner, but the truth is Rhoody led me astray on Friday and I have been trying to catch up ever since. :D

    Rather than incur any WU costs, sit tight for the time being, until we have decided for sure on the next project. By then your bank hiccup may well have sorted itself out. We are looking in various directions, and we are open to suggestions from the floor, but in the main we are looking at a fantastic new product currently on trial in India. In short, it's just like a heated mini sleeping bag and is the first line of defence for premature babies. Only takes a 20 minute charge, and stays at the correct body heat for a baby for 4 hours before needing another small charge. I am trying to find out from the manufacturer whether the trials have been completed, were they successful, and is the product available outside of India. I will keep people informed of any info that I get.

    Thanks again for your support Jack, it's invaluable and very much appreciated.

  5. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    Pat, I am unable to send anything at present, but once I am situated in your area, I will have a bit of an old fashioned pawn shop business started.
    In the old pawn business, one collects a percentage of items which for one reason or another do not sell.
    If you would like to start a "Poor Box" type of thing, I am sure I can let you have quite a few items to sell or give to the poor.
    As a matter of fact, once I am established there, I would be happy to add to my collection by asking others to give and I could deliver all to you as needed.
    We already have a bit of overflow that we can let you have when we get there, toys and some clothes and maybe a bit of furniture too.

  6. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thank you Bruce. I will bring up your offer at our next board meeting. When will you be moving to Dgte?
  7. Brucewayne

    Brucewayne DI Member

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    It is so hard to tell right now, we sold our property, but are having trouble closing shop here.
    I guess we have to be there before school starts next year, as our daughter will have to start Kindergarten by then, also the wife has classes until April she wants to complete first.
    I am shooting for May now.

  8. sanderson

    sanderson DI New Member

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    That's really good >i also want to member on this great charity work.So They child got more money with acquisition.
  9. OP

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Sanderson, welcome to the forum and thank you for your interest in our charity efforts. I can't help but ask the question, your profile states you are a family lawyer in Miami, however, not to be critical but your spelling on your posts would question you being an attorney in Miami Florida? Is there a Miami Mindanao or somewhere else? Just trying to understand if in the future you wanted to send funds to help out, where they would come from.
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