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Dumaguete Killer Spiders

Discussion in '☋ Photo Board ☋' started by Rhoody, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. rechel

    rechel DI Forum Adept

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    its all great... its make me smile when i see them around i know its that the real one just look like thoose. imean the toys spider my daugther haveat home.... this real spider Rhoody tolk picture i saw them also. nice that he share it here for us... thanks man...
  2. gorbana

    gorbana DI Junior Member

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    I must share a story with you...Asawa ko and I were traveling home from dgte to Balugo enjoying the ambiance of the easyride. Was about midday so rather hot and the breeze felt good. My Asawa with her gentle smile informs me there is a spider by my shoulder, so not thinking I casually turn to find myself face to face with DEATH!! The biggest freakin spider I have ever seen!!! Military training kicking in...within a split second tho seemed much longer I found myself sitting on the laps of the passengers on the other bench seat!! Of course everybody was laughing as my tiny petite Asawa shoos the spider away...I did not feel manly that day! heheheh and Asawa ko reminds me from time-to-time how she saved my life from the giant killer spider then laughs!!
    heheheh big freakin spider just like Sheloaf from Lord of the Rings!!
    Jen & Bill
  3. OP

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I do understand you completely...

    I don't have any problems with bug's, snakes, gecko's but when this Killer monsters putting on their mean smile and that fearless, deadly look in their eyes I am on the rooftop of my house, faster than the speed of light...
  4. Rita

    Rita DI New Member

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    I'd never thought that here in Dumaguete they are dangerous spiders...:eek:
    And snakes??
    Is it possible to find a snake or a bad spider in my house? So now i'm really skared..brrr:eek:
  5. gorbana

    gorbana DI Junior Member

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    Rhoody & Rita,
    For the week that followed the easyride incident, I felt like Sheloaf was stalking me..I'd go in the CR to do my daily business and who should appear on the wall facing me?? That's right...Sheloaf!! Seemed everywhere I'd turn she'd just appear always watching me looking for a weakness or for my guard to be down. A solid week went by and Asawa ko and I retired to our welcoming bed on night. The room was a reddish-orange glow from our little heart-shaped night light and slowly we drifted off to slumber land...Rhoody & Rita, you ever get that feeling that you're being watched? CREEPY...I slowly became conscious having that horrible feeling. I lay there with my eyes closed pretending to be asleep, just listening for a sound, anything that would betray the perpetrator giving me his location so I could leap to my feet and smite him down! But I heard nothing but I felt something...felt something fuzzy on my left eye! I slowly opened my eyes but could only open my right eye as something warm and fuzzy was still covering my left. Sensing the attempt to open my left eye the fuzzy thing moved!! SHELOAF WAS BACK AND ON MY FACE!!! I took a deep breath as Sheloaf repositioned herself over my nose and lips and as I opened my left eye slowly she seemed to be staring at me with all of her huge round black eyes! I realized that my lungs were full and that I was holding my breath so suddenly I parted my lips and blew my hardest!! Rhoody and Rita, Sheloaf flew straight up (but what goes up must come down right?),then she landed right on the chest of Asawa ko!! Never have I seen Asawa moving sooo fast!! Suddenly Asawa ko's arms and legs were kicking and swinging and she was off the bed with the light on remarkably fast!! I was just in awe at the lightning speed of my wife!! Just as she onned the light Sheloaf had scurried up the front of our parador and just as she crested the top we noticed a humongous white sack on her back. Just as we had noticed the large white sack it suddenly burst open and out came a flood of millions of tiny Sheloafs!! THEY WERE EVERYWHERE MAN!! WE WERE IN MORTAL COMBAT FOR A SOLID TWO HOURS FIGHTING THESE MONSTERS!! But in the end we stood victorious protectors of our domain! After flexing my muscles for Asawa ko showing her how strong her bana is, we laid back down in an attempt to go to sleep. Holding Asawa ko on my chest till she fell asleep, I just layed there watchful as a sentinel, protecting my kingdom and wouldn't you know that I was wide awake till the neighbors stupid rooster began crowing at 4 am!! (I truly believe every rooster in the Philippines needs a watch coz they have no concept of dawn!!) We were trying to explain to Mama and Papa why we were so noisy thru' out the night trying to convince them we were killing Sheloafs and not having jerjer, but they didn't believe us anyhow!! But later Papa told me not to kill that particular kind of Sheloaf as they are afraid of people and are fantastic cockroach killers!! I guess they are good for something other than terrifying us huh? heheheheh...God bless and Be well always watchful as you and I know that they are always lurking in the shadows just waiting for their moment to attack!!!!
    Jen & Bill
  6. kyliegriffin

    kyliegriffin DI Member

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    the biggest spider shown here is said to be poisonous and thus dangerous. however, the rest of the spiders especially the last two ones are harmless. those two are called "batman" by the children who play with them, how they came up with the name is a great wonder. the other two before the largest one is not really poisonous but can however give painful bites. the big brown house spiders are called "tapay-tapay" and eat the cockroaches that infest the holes within the household. still they are scary looking and even i cringed when one of the "batmans" would jump at me and smile.. hehehe..goodness!
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  7. gorbana

    gorbana DI Junior Member

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    Weird they call that spider batman! I wonder if because its silhouette is similar to batmans cape? About the tapay-tapay, Papa told us the same thing. But still they just creep me out!! You'll be sitting there, then you get that "being-watched" feeling n you turn and look and there it is just watching then will hurry off suddenly!! yuk!!!!
    Jen & Bill
  8. kyliegriffin

    kyliegriffin DI Member

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    i have so much fun reading all your posts in this thread..hahahahaha..i still can't get over the scare over this "harmless tapay-tapay" so they insist..however, my hair would be bristling on end should i come face to face with one..up on the roof rhoody?..i'd be more like "to infinity and beyond infinity!"..hahahaha..
  9. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

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    Come on, big men crapping themselves over tiny little spiders...:D
    I'll cure your aracnophobia is you tell me how to keep my cool when finding cockroaches in the bedroom....those little buggers really scare the shits out of me......bbbrrrrrrr:D :D
  10. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

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    Camel Spider

    This is a little devil from the Iraqi desert, giving a hard time to friends and foes alike......
    And what it can do if left untreated......:eek: :eek:

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