Negros Oriental police director relieved

DUMAGUETE CITY — The acting director of the Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office has been relieved amid an ongoing investigation into the death of a radio anchor in this city.

Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo confirmed he has received information on the relief of Senior Superintendent Edwin Portento.

“And I’m happy for that because I want a fast and serious investigation on this matter,” Degamo told reporters in an interview Wednesday afternoon, following the funeral mass for slain broadcaster Edmund Sestoso of Power 91 DYGB-FM.

“I believe, as governor, Portento cannot do it,” he said, adding that this was his observation.

Media reports from Cebu said Senior Superintendent Raul Mendita Tacaca has been named as Portento’s replacement.

The governor clarified that he did not request for Portento’s relief, saying that it was “Malacañang that ordered his relief and not me.”

Degamo also said he has not received the official communication on Portento’s relief, but disclosed that he has already spoken to Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Oscar Albayalde regarding his request for a provincial police director for Negros Oriental, who could enforce the law, especially now that it is the height of the election period.

“The harassments are getting worse and so we need a fearless police director,” Degamo said.

“I want the people to vote freely,” he said, as he hit the alleged vote-buying, threats and harassments taking place in the province.

Noting that he has also not received a formal communication on Tacaca’s appointment, the governor said he would accept the new provincial police director and his first order for him would be to seriously investigate the death of Sestoso.

Sestoso was gunned down on April 30 by two unidentified men on a motorcycle while on his way home to Aldecoa Drive, Barangay Daro, Dumaguete City. He suffered five gunshot wounds in different parts of the body and died at the Silliman University Medical Center the following day.

“I want the result as soon as possible,” Degamo said, adding that there are leads that need a little push to bring to the fore those responsible for the radioman’s death. (PNA)

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