Archive: Month: July 2020

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How to Make the Right Decision

When I was contemplating the move to Dumaguete, my concern about live passing me by was a strong motivator in helping me take action. I definitely didn’t want to wake some morning when old and regretting what might have been. I felt I’d earned the right to truly enjoy the rest of my life, to have new experiences that could revitalize and invigorate me. Perhaps most importantly, I asked myself what did I really have to loose by moving to Dumaguete?

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Clean, safe water is as close as your tap with the I4 Ultrapure Water Purifier. Your body consists of approximately 60% water, so it’s no surprise that the water you drink is essential to your overall health. In fact, water is vital to every bodily function and can affect your immune system, mental health, and energy level. Indeed, clean, safe water is the foundation of a healthy life. The problem is that water can be filled with contaminants, many of which you can’t even see. That’s why an efficient and effective water purification system is so important.

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The Overall Impact of C19 on Me

Continued uncertainty leads to an unhealthy state of mind for us humans. The word pandemic sounds relatively

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Dealing With Covid 19 in Dumaguete City

Dealing with Covid 19 in Dumaguete City Personally and as a Business It would be an understatement to say we are

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POPCOM VII Holds 1st Regional Youth Leaders Online Conference for Helpline Orientation

The regional office of the Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM VII) in Central Visayas led by Regional

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POPCOM Invites Communities and Partners to State of the World Population Report

POPCOM Invites Communities and Partners to the Virtual Launch of the State of the World Population Report on July

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